پیشنهادهای محمد مهدی کریمی قهی (٣٦٤)
spread = propagate= breed = grow
propagate= breed = spread = grow
breed = propagate = spread = grow
separate = scatter = split up = disperse = dissipate separate ≠ collect ≠ gather
scatter = split up = disperse = dissipate = separate scatter ≠ collect ≠ gather
disperse = dissipate = split up = scatter = separate disperse ≠ collect ≠ gather
split up = disperse = dissipate = scatter = separate split up ≠ collect ≠ gather
dissipate = disperse = split up = scatter = separate dissipate ≠ collect ≠ gather
dissipate = to ( cause to ) gradually disappear or waste
reluctance = an unwillingness to do something
invariable = changeless = eternal = immutable = constant = permanent = fixed = firm
changeless = eternal = immutable = constant = invariable = permanent = fixed = firm
immutable = changeless = constant = eternal = invariable = permanent = fixed = firm
eternal = immutable = changeless = constant = invariable = permanent = fixed = firm
bump = to hit something with force
magnify = amplify = exaggerate = overstate
amplify = exaggerate = overstate = magnify
exaggerate = overstate = amplify = magnify
undervalue= underrate = underestimate = belittle undervalue≠ overvalue
underrate = underestimate = undervalue = belittle underrate ≠ overrate
underestimate = underrate = undervalue = belittle underestimate ≠ overestimate
metallurgist= متالوژیست
property = wealth= belonging = goods = things = stuff = resource = owning
wealth = property = belonging = goods = things = stuff = resource = owning
value = judge = evaluate = assess value = سنجیدن، ارزیابی کردن
judge = evaluate = assess = value
assess = to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of something assess = evaluate = value = judge
evaluate = assess = value = judge
The train's approximate time of arrival is 10:30. approximate ( to ) approximation ( of )
vicinity = around = neighborhood = about
bordering = contiguous = adjacent = adjoining = vicinity = touching = next to
contiguous = adjacent = bordering = adjoining = vicinity
despair = the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation:
swing = to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause some ...
unsteadiness = fluctuation = vacillation = change unsteadiness ≠ stability
fluctuation = vacillation = change = unsteadiness fluctuation ≠ stability
vacillation = fluctuation = change = unsteadiness vacillation ≠ stability
ceasefire = an agreement, usually between two armies, to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace:
It could threaten the peace and stability of the region : این می توانست صلح و پایداری منطقه را تهدید کند.
the transient beauty of youth = زیبایی موقتی جوانی
ephemeral = temporary = transitory = momentary= lasting for a short time
temporary = transitory = momentary= lasting for a short time
transitory = momentary = temporary = lasting for a short time
momentary = transitory = temporary = lasting for a short time
temporal ≠ eternal
transient ≠ eternal
eternal = lasting forever or for a very long time eternal ≠ transient ≠ temporal
regradless ( of ) = depite
immutable = changeless = fixed
durability = stability = continuity = permanence