پیشنهادهای محمد مهدی کریمی قهی (٣٦٤)
preference = liking = favorite = priority preference ( to ) preference ( for )
liking = preference = favorite = priority
unavoidable = inevitable = inescapable
inescapable = inevitable = unavoidable
inevitable = inescapable = unavoidable
defeat = to win against someone in a fight, war, or competition
favor = prefer = like better = choose = select
prefer = like better = favor = choose = select
priority = something that you do or deal with first because it is more important or urgent than other things
tyro = a person who is new to an activity
precedence = the condition of being dealt with before other things or of being considered more important than other things
approval = the feeling of having a positive opinion of someone or something
nominate = appoint = designate = depute = assign
assign = nominate = appoint = designate = depute
appoint = designate = depute= nominate = assign
designate = depute = appoint = nominate = assign
depute = designate = appoint = nominate = assign depute : انتخاب کردن ، گماردن ، در نظر گرفتن
reconsider = to think again about a decision or opinion and decide if you want to change it
interpreter = someone whose job is to change what someone else is saying into another language
interpreter = مترجم، مفسر، سخنگو
nominate = to officially suggest someone for an election, job, position, or honor
nominate = to officially choose someone to do a particular job or task
persuade = to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe it
yearn = to desire something strongly, esp. something difficult or impossible to obtain
aspire to = to want something very much or hope to achieve something or be successful
look for = seek = chase = pursue = strive for = follow= want = search for
seek = chase = pursue = strive for = follow= want = look for = search for
pursue = strive for = follow = chase = want = seek = look for = search for
strive for = pursue = follow = chase = want = seek = look for = search for strive for : دنبال کردن، گشتن، تعقیب کردن
overtaking = the act of coming from behind another vehicle or person and moving in front of it or them
incredible = extraordinary = wonderful = amazing = phenomenal
wonderful = amazing = phenomenal = extraordinary = incredible
extraordinary = wonderful = amazing = phenomenal = incredible
phenomenal = amazing = wonderful = extraordinary = incredible
amazing = phenomenal = wonderful = extraordinary = incredible
ascribe something to someone/something = to consider something to be caused, created, or owned by someone or something
tip someone off = to warn someone secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or prevent it from happening
endure = to continue to exist for a long time
set down = specify = stipulate
specify = stipulate = set down
stipulate = specify = set down
set something down = to write or print something, especially to record it in a formal document مقرر کردن، تعیین کردن، ثبت کردن
stipulate = to say exactly how something must be or must be done
authorize = to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official permission to do something
foil = to prevent someone or something from being successful foil = مانع شدن، جلوگیری کردن
impede = hinder = hamper = arrest = interfere with
interdict = an official instruction from a law court telling someone that they are not allowed to do something
proscribe = to forbid an action or practice officially
delineate = to describe something completely, including details
delineate = to describe or mark the edge of something