پیشنهادهای محمد مهدی کریمی قهی (٣٦٤)
detectable = noticeable = discernible
noticeable = discernible = detectable
discernible = noticeable = detectable
imagine = guess = assume = suppose
guess = assume = suppose= imagine
suppose = assume = guess = imagine
assume = suppose = guess = imagine
suppose = to think that something is likely to be true
disease = a condition of a person, animal, or plant in which its body or structure is harmed because an organ or part is unable to work as it usually ...
disease = ( an ) illness of people, animals, plants, etc. , caused by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident
crime = illegal activities
distinguish = to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another
recognize = make out = perceive = discern
make out = perceive = discern = recognize
perceive = discern = make out = recognize
discern = perceive = make out = recognize
specify = recognize = identify = determine = control = decide = state = clearly describe
recognize = identify = determine = control = decide = specify = state = clearly describe
identify = determine = recognize = control = decide = specify = state = clearly describe
determine = identify = recognize = control = decide = specify = state = clearly describe
abnormal = different from what is usual or average, especially in a way that is bad
abundant = more than enough = plentiful = rich = ample
sparse = small in numbers or amount, often spread over a large area
disaster = ( an event that results in ) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty
discontinue = interrupt = break off = stop
interrupt = break off = discontinue = stop
break off = interrupt = discontinue = stop
hinder = hamper = impede = arrest = interfere with
interfere with = hinder = hamper = impede = arrest
hamper = impede = arrest = hinder = interfere with
hamper = impede = arrest = hinder = interfere with
hamper = impede = arrest = hinder = interfere with
arrest = impede
impede = arrest
lapse = neglect = carelessness = inattention = disregard = oversight
neglect = carelessness = inattention = disregard = oversight = lapse
oversight = carelessness = disregard = lapse = inattention = neglect
carelessness = inattention = disregard = oversight = lapse = neglect
inattention = disregard = oversight = carelessness = lapse = neglect
disregard = oversight = carelessness = lapse = inattention = neglect
discharge = send out = emit = release = publish
send out = emit = release = publish = discharge
emit = to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas emit = send out = release = publish = discharge emit ≠ absorb
gunshot: شلیک اسلحه The Sound of gunshots : صدای شلیک اسلحه ها
gunshot: شلیک اسلحه The Sound of gunshots : صدای شلیک اسلحه ها
protester = someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
distribute = give out = scatter = circulate
give out = scatter = circulate = distribute
circulate = distribute = give out = scatter
scatter = circulate = distribute = give out