پیشنهادهای Figure (٣,٣٠٢)
ناهماهنگ، ناموزون، نابسامان، نامتعارف، نامتعادل، بی نظم، نامنظم، نامنطبق، out of whack. Not properly adjusted, not working well, out of order. Th ...
بین دو دیدگاه یا موقعیت متضاد در نوسان بودن the country was teetering on the edge of second wave of economic recession. “I just keep teetering con ...
دیگه کارم باهات تمومه. In general it's used to stress that the speaker doesn't wish to keep any relation with the person. I'm tired of you. You nev ...
لقمه a small tasty bit of food tidbit , titbit , dainty , delicacy , goody , kickshaw , treat Here is one choice morsel from The Book of the Dead: ...
۱ - از شیر گرفتن کودک to gradually reduce consumption of mother’s milk or bottled milk until the little one is no longer nursing or bottle - feeding ...
مهلک، کشنده، 1 - deadly , exceedingly harmful 2 - working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way The country is cleaved by political dif ...
دزدکی secret and sly or sordid marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed A furtive glance, a furtive organization
وول خوردن، بیقرار شدن
راز و نیاز کردن، باب دل را گشودن share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with ( someone ) , especially on a spiritual level. "the purpose of pray ...
تسویه حساب کردن، pay up, cought up, eve up pay a debt in full. amount that you owe. I settled the bill for my coffee. They settled with Colin at ...
تسویه حساب شخصی کردن، انتقام گرفتن To avenge a misdeed. Now that she thinks I started that rumor about her, I'm worried about how she is going to s ...
گذشته دور ، قدیمی، روزهای گذشته ، ایام قدیم long - ago times. past events to be put aside “let bygones be bygones” ( گذشته ها گذشته ) Bygone era/a ...
بازگویی a new version of a story
نقبی به گذشته زدن، یادآوری و بازگویی مکرر اتفاقات و وقایع گذشته If someone harks back to something in the past, they talk about it again and again, ...
فرایند تلفیق و در هم آمیختن زبانها و فرهنگ های مختلف با یکدیگر و پدید آمدن زبان و فرهنگ جدید Creolization is a term referring to the process by whic ...
Subconscious نیمه آگاهانه، نیمه هوشیارانه Subliminal is a two part word consisting of the prefix sub - and the root word limen ( Latin origins ) . ...
۱ - بالا آوردن، استفراغ، vomit, throw up, to cough up from the gut to feed it's young as a bird or animal does 2 - بدون درک حقیقت مطلبی یا عقیده ای ...
احیا فردی که هوشیاری خود را از دست داده To resuscitate is to revive a person who has lost consciousness. In recent years it's become important for p ...
پنداشتن، قلمداد کردن، بر این باور هستند. . . consider as If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is con ...
۱ - زهد، پارسایی، ریاضت extreme self denial, self discipline and deprivation ۲ - زاهد، پارساa person who follows an ascetic life But people will alwa ...
. Something that's exogenous comes from somewhere else, from outside. If your village practices exogenous marriage, you'll need to find a mate from a ...
If a baby is born in wedlock, it is born while its parents are married. If it is born out of wedlock, it is born at a time when its parents are not m ...
the imagining or discussion of a very unlikely future event or situation as if it were possible and might one day happen: "Do you think you might be ...
مخمصه، گرفتاری a difficult, confusing, and unpleasant situation a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying o ...
واضح، دقیق و روشن، با جزئیات کامل Lurid giving clear and vividly explicit details. "a graphic account of the riots"
بدبیاری. چه بد بیاریی!! What a bummer something that is very annoying or not :convenient "I've left my wallet at home. " "What a bummer!" US I loc ...
بر وفق مراد، مساعد When things are going well, or in your favor, they’re favorable. encouraging or approving or pleasing
give you my blessing" simply means "It's OK with me. " People give their blessings to ideas and actions when they agree with them. It's an act of ap ...
عمدا باختن to make no effort to win : lose intentionally to get an advantage tanked the match
دردسر، رنج، مشکلات و مشقات زندگی روزمره - The chaos and confusion of life - The suffering that accompanies life - Mortal coil is a poetic term th ...
غنودن در آغوش کسی بیرینین کوینوندا ( ترکی ) To lean or lie against someone or something in a gentle, cuddly manner; to snuggle up to someone or s ...
غیر محتمل. بعید. دور از ذهن a farfetched idea or plan is implausible because there's very little chance it will happen Farfetched things aren't n ...
if two opponents in a game call it a draw, they agree that neither of them has won Call it quits
شاخ و شونه کشیدن، رجز خوانی کردن، قدرت نظامی را به رخ یکدیگر کشیدن
گواناگون، متنوع، A miscellaneous group consists of many different kinds of things or people that are difficult to put into a particular category co ...
اوج هیجان a state of extreme excitement “the crowd was at fever pitch”
بیش از حد و اندازه، در حد افراط، به صورت افراطی, ( آشری حدده = به ترکی ) , excessively, overly, too to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits Im ...
سطحی، بدون عمق و پیچیدگی، ساده ، دون و سطح پایین ، کم مایه، بی مایه، ??!!shallow ( of literature, art, music, movies, or plays ) not serious and in ...
جنگی، If someone is belligerent, they're eager to fight. It's a good idea to avoid hardcore hockey fans after their team loses — they tend to be bel ...
ناخوشایند، غیر قابل قبول unpleasant and unacceptable: He found the subject of their conversation very distasteful. Some of the ads are particularly ...
slightly fat , tubby, fat, plump, chubby
نمک روی زخم پاشیدن ‘to make something – usually a situation – which is already painful, unpleasant or difficult even worse’. It doesn’t refer to sel ...
کم حرف، تودار Reticent means either quiet or restrained. If you're reticent about your feelings, you like to keep them to yourself, and you're proba ...
the ability to keep or hold. If you have extraordinary powers of retention, you remember everything you hear or learn
از سر خود باز کردن، باشدان الماخ to get rid of or pass off usually by deception They tried to pawn off a rebuilt computer as new.
قسمت سخت کار ی را پشت سر گذاشتن past the most difficult part of something. "now we have reached this point we are over the hump"
ترفند، نیرنگ، a deceptive maneuver ( especially to avoid capture )
نتیجه نهایی، consequence, Final result
an activity in which someone rolls down a hill or along the surface of water in a large transparent plastic ball ( zorb ball
خلوت گزین، a person that prefers not to associate with others. "my interest in birdwatching had made me a bit of a loner