پیشنهادهای Figure (٣,٣٠٣)
کسی که با جلب اعتماد مردم آنها را سرکیسه میکند the term con artist is short for confidence artist , a swindler who exploits the confidence of his tar ...
برای همیشه، forever or for the rest of your days. Originally "for good and all" is an old idiom . and means a permanent change in a status The dise ...
یادآوری یا پیش کشیدن یک موضوع آزار دهنده، خاطره بد ویا یک زخم کهنه or "hit a sour point" to refer to a sensitive matter that will upset someone to ...
1 - هوادار موسیقی متال a heavy - metal rock fan. 2 - احمق، دیوانه a crazy or stupid person.
اعتراف کردن ، حقیقت را گفتن, مسولیت اشتباه را به گردن گرفتن Fess up is defined as to confess to something, take responsibility for something or tell ...
( ناخواسته ) از دهان پراندن، بی اختیار بیان کردن، If you blurt something out, you're speaking abruptly unexpectedly and without thinking about what ...
کله، braincase, a person's scull, the part of the skull that encloses the brain The bullet hit the brainpan
در کل، در مجموع، روی هم رفته، به طور کلی In total, as a complete total, with everything or everyone taken into account There were 550 people at the ...
تکه پاره کردن، دربدن، حمله کردن Pull apart by force, to pull or cut something violently so that it tears To violently pull, rip, or attack someone ...
نامعلوم، نامشخص، مبهم، بدون وضوح، نامعین , تعریف نشده، تعیین نشده. not easy to see or understand, unclear, vague, blurred, indictinct If you describ ...
باهوش، خلاق، با فکر If someone is a smart cookie, they are clever and have good ideas. The term is listed in the dictionary and because you started ...
مهارت باز کردن قفل بدون استفاده از کلید اصلی Lock picking is the practice of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device witho ...
نوعی از برده داری در استرالیا در اواخر قرن نوزدهم و اوایل قرن بیستم که افراد بومی را از طریق اجبار یا با اغوا در مزارع کشت پنبه و نیشکر با دستمزد بسی ...
ملزم کردن، to force someone to do something by making them promise to do it or by making it their duty to do it The agreement binds her to repay the ...
1 - دیوانه، از نظر روحی نامتعادل, crazy, mad, mentally unbalanced my mind's gone entirely bonkers Kids really went bonkers over that video game. 2, ...
تا حدی، تا اندازه ای ، تا حدودی somewhat, slightly, failry 1 - good or true only to a limited extent. His theory is good as far as it goes. 2 - u ...
spoken; used to say that only a small amount of something is needed or has a great effect idiomatic ) To be adequate or helpful for a significant amo ...
دارای لبه ناصاف، دندانه دار و تیز toothed, notched, indentured with a sharply uneven edge, surface , outline or quality A leave can have a jagge ...
از موضع خود برگشتن to retract or modify a previous opinion, principle, etc To completely change your position or opinion To reverse an opinion or s ...
زشت و زننده، توهین آمیز vulgar and offensive remarks or jokes are about sex and are slightly shocking. Never pass along an off color jokes to thos ...
فک زدن، مدام راجع به موضوع خاصی حرف زدن یا شکایت کردن to talk or complain about ( a subject ) constantly or repeatedly in an annoying way She's alwa ...
used for pointing out that, if you love someone, you accept also things and people dear to the person you love
خیلی زیاد Slang ) at, of, or to a very great degree, extent, etc. : a big - time swindle, to be hurt big - time. the humidity here is opressive a ...
۱ - زبان، لهجه یا گویشی که با آن آشنا نیستید strange or incomprehensible language or speech: such as. a : a foreign language. It can be hard to tr ...
آرام پز سفالی برقی In the simplest terms, a Crock - Pot is a type of slow cooker; however, not every slow cooker is a Crock - Pot. . . . It has a st ...
طناب بند بازی ( در سیرک ) a bar of wood or metal hanging from two ropes on which people in a circus swing and perform skilful movements. بند باز = ...
پرواز داشتن to leave for somewhere by plane Im flying out early tomorrow morning. Im heading for Mexico. من فردا صبح زود پرواز دارم. عازم مکزیکو ه ...
تازه کار، a novice An inexoerienced person a tenderfoot cowgirl
باریکه، تنگه , bottleneck, narrowing 1 - A point of blockade 2 - a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel • The new bridge is now a chok ...
جای دو چیز یا نفر را با هم عوض کردن ۱ - To exchange the place or position of two people or things. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used betw ...
۲ - جور کردن ( پیدا کردن ) وقت/ فرصت برای کاری I thought I'd fit in a quick visit to Vienna . if my schedule allowed ۲ - تطابق دادن، وفق دادن با شرا ...
نظر، پیشنهاد ( سازنده ) ، comment, personal advice ideas, advice, money, or effort that you put into a job or activity in order to help it succeed ...
۱ - به زمین زدن to knock ( someone ) to the floor or ground. Can you believe that scrawny kid floored the bully with just one punch? ۲ - شدیدا" ش ...
آزرده خاطر ، irritated and annoyed I was a bit shocked and peeved that I would be referred to as an untouchable. ”
مشمئز، منزجر ، اندوهگین، پریشان، غمگین ، distressed and repelled He was, in fact, put off by the incident at first. I sometimes get put off by the ...
دادن نظر مخالف یا رای منفی برای یک مطلب، پست یا کامنت در یک محتوای اینترنی و یا شبکه اجتماعی از طریق آیکنی که برای این موضوع اختصاص یافته. to show ...
A gaffe is a mistake that embarrasses you in front of others
ظاهر را حفظ کردن Conceal or disguise one's true feelings or beliefs Though she put up a front, I could tell her feelings were hurt.
از موضوعی آزرده , ناراحت شدن، To take offense; to become angry, agitated, or upset. They stopped inviting him to the gatherings, and he really got ...
خیلی باحال. . که بیشتر در شبکه های اجتماعی استفاده میشه. 1 - Something that is very cool and awesome 2 - a person who is looking exceptionally attr ...
نزدیک به مثل فارسی: ترک عادت موجب مرض است. عادت های قدیمی رو به سختی میشه ترک کرد —used to say it is hard to stop doing things that one has been doi ...
های و هوی، قیل و قال، داد و بیداد الکی ۱ - disapproving worried talk or behavior 2 - an exaggerated and overwrought expression and display of concer ...
حال و هوای چیزی رو عوض کردن، جو رو تغییر دادن To establish the mood of something, or the manner in which something will be conducted. Her warm gre ...
کم کردن، کاهش دادن، باریک کردن، کوچک کردن ۱ - act of gradually lowering the size or amount lowering “the doctor prescribed the tapering of the dose ...
تمارض، خود را به بیماری زدن When you were a child, did you ever pretend to be sick to get out of going to school? There’s actually a medical name fo ...
اخراج شدن از مدرسه یا دانشگاه به خاطر مردود شدن Getting kicked out of college because you have gotten too many low grades to have to leave school o ...
۱ - کسی را از طریق پیله کردن، تعقیب کردن مداوم و یا با زور از جایی بیرون کردن To hunt, chase, or pursue someone relentlessly, until they leave a par ...
مرد با نیرو، توان و قوای جسمی و جنسی فوق العاده. مرد با خصوصیات برجسته مردانه، a manly, powerful man with physical strength and other typical mascu ...
تو چه حالی پیدا میکنی اگه. . . used to ask someone to imagine how they would feel if something bad happened to them instead of to you or someone els ...
1 - صحنه های خنده دار پشت صحنه تولید فیلم و . . . a funny mistake made by an actor during the making of a film or television programme ۲ - سوتی ، ga ...