پیشنهادهای Figure (٣,٢٧٠)
عجیب، زیرکانه، a person that is adorably strange and whimsically cute. Odd Witty
متفاوت از واقعیت و آنچه هست توصیف کردن بهتر یا به نفع خود جلوه دادن a way of describing an idea or situation that makes it seem better than it real ...
1 - دوره ی بیماری کوتاه ( اما شدید ) brief period of illness 2 - بازه زمانی کوتاهی که فعالیتی شدید در آن اتفاق می افتد involvement in an intense acti ...
1 - to honor an occasion or event through happy activities and social gatherings 2 - to perform a religious ceremony To celebrate mass
Anything whose existence or power depends on the faith of believers
در مورد پرندگان: در حین پرواز: In flight • Hawks prey on the wing
ضربه تند و تیز ( و مورب ) A sharp slanting blow He pulled the punch at the last second but it was still a solid clip to the jaw The man in the dir ...
کسی که توانایی اداره امور مملکت را دارد The ability to be a savvy and effective politica l leader
تازه کار، a novice An inexoerienced person a tenderfoot cowgirl
نوعی از برده داری در استرالیا در اواخر قرن نوزدهم و اوایل قرن بیستم که افراد بومی را از طریق اجبار یا با اغوا در مزارع کشت پنبه و نیشکر با دستمزد بسی ...
سر خود را از سر شرمساری یا خجالت به زیر انداختن To look down in shame or embarressment Try to think of all that I've gone through. And . hang yo ...
گرفته دلخور مغبون تسئب، مسمئرخلی ( به ترکی ) ?Who's that glum - looking fellow by the stove
I jumped out of my skin در ترکی: اورییم اوزولدی
Ironclad Inviolable
Informal and derogatory Politician
عصبی، تند مزاج A tendency to get angry easily A quick temper Prith's got a very short fuse
What are the possibility
تاثیر سوء داشتن To cause a bad result The falling oil price could spell bad news for big oil companies. That could spell bad news for the . overal ...
An overwhelmingly huge amount of something I got shoads of work to get through today
خیلی زیاد In large amounts
فضولی موقوف! Mind your own business
Bone tired Fatigued Extremely tired Shot Whacked out Exhausted
Bone weary Fatigued Exhausted
مسیحی بسیار مذهبی بویژه کسی که مجددا به مسیحیت روی آورده A very serious religious person especially a reborn or new born christian
۱ - این پا و آن پا کردن قادر به تصمیم گیری نبودن مردد یا دودل بودن تردید داشتن - To fail to make up your mind in a critical moment - to be ind ...
بالا آوردن ، throw up literally means "throw up, " but it usually means to come very close to throwing up without actually vomiting These cloying s ...
انتقاد شدید دیگران را باعث شدن
مراسم خاکسپاری مراسم ترحیم
گزافه گوئی غلو کردن خالی بندی
A brief report ( especially for immediate ( publication or broadcast
دست من نیست، من نمی تونم نظری بدم، من کاره ای نیستم. .
Related, or characteristic of click bait , Click bait, false, misleading advertisement titles, tec on the internet
Boobies, breasts , tits
a system that has three distinct levels
trying too hard, over the top, excessive, maybe a little dramatic. Doing more than what the situation calls for. Often a little inappropriate. Like, ...
جایی که مردم بدون نیاز به تظاهر کردن می تونن خودشون باشن. A neccessary place/zone for people to be themselves without showing off, boasting, . flau ...
A utensil that is a combination of a fork and spoon
Goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
The writing of language with grammatical, spelling errors as if that were a language in its own right
A type of bad breath affects people when they wake up
Fiddle with
ابا ابایی از چیزی نداشتن: to have no qualms about : Israel has no qualms about disproportionate warfare and genocide.
بیش از حد شوکه شدن to be shocked specially extremely or excessively a moment in time that forces one to clasp their hand to their chest, out of fea ...
در درجه ی دوم اهمیت بودن نقش کم اهمیت تری را ایفا کردن نقش دوم را داشتن
A situation in which someone believes that they are learning something, but in fact they are learning something different
ناروا ناحق ساختگی To concoct/invent an excuse/explanation Trumped up accusations/charges