پیشنهادهای farzadsalehian (٧٤)
🇺🇸formalize 🇬🇧formalise They decided to formalize their relationship by getting married به رسمیت درآوردن , رسمی کردن
🇺🇸formalize 🇬🇧formalise They decided to formalize their relationship by getting married به رسمیت درآوردن
track verb to observe and make a record of دنبال کردن
To buy something; the act of buying
A company or person that sells goods to consumers.
Validity صحت اعتبار /vəˈlɪdəti/ 🇺🇸🇬🇧 🎯the state of being acceptable
Equality ( inequality ) برابری 🎯being the same ; having the same rights and opportunity
APPROXIMATELY نسبتاً ، تقریبا ، حدوداً 🎯adverb 🎯close but not exactly
phrasal verbs with carry 📌carry out ( verb particle ) انجام دادن 🔰 do or perform 📌carry over ( verb particle ) موکول کردن / انتقال دادن 🔰cont ...
like - minded هم فکر و هم سلیقه 🔰having similar interests and opinions e. g: The club offers an opportunity for like - minded people to get togethe ...
ensure اطمینان حاصل کردن مطمئن شدن 🇺🇸/ɪnˈʃʊr/ /ɪnˈʃʊə ( r ) /, 🇬🇧 /ɪnˈʃɔː ( r ) /🇬🇧 1. ensure something e. g: ensure the safety of people 2. e ...
jeopardize به خطر انداختن 🔰verb 🇺🇸/ˈdʒepərdaɪz/ 🇬🇧/ˈdʒepərdaɪz/ SYN : endanger to put endanger He would never do anything to jeopardize his ca ...
discard دور انداختن 🇺🇸🇬🇧/dɪˈskɑːd/ to throw into a trash can . e. g: The room was littered with discarded newspaper
disposable یک بار مصرف / در بعضی از کتاب ها چندبار مصرف ترجمه شده است 🇺🇸/dɪˈspəʊzəbl/ 🇬🇧/dɪˈspəʊzəbl/ made to be thrown away after use e. g: disp ...
Invest /ɪnˈvest/ TOPIC : business/money سرمایه گذاری کردن 💥invest in something 💥invest something 💥invest something in something word family i ...
💬قرنطینه syn: self - quarantine💬
BrE📌 /prəˈlɒŋd/ AmrE 📌 /prəˈlɔːŋd/ continuing for a long time طولانی مدت adjective a prolonged illness
BrE /ˌɪnk�nˈdesnt/ AmrE /ˌɪnkənˈdesnt/ giving out light when heated 📌incandescent lamp لامپ رشته ای لامپ حبابی
CLAMP verb🎯 فعل 🎯 to put or hold something in a position so that it cannot move 🎯بستن
STAPLE AmrE: /ˈsteɪpl/ BrE:/ˈsteɪpl/ 📌 forming a basic, large or important part of something کالای عمده
📍BrE /niːʃ/, /nɪtʃ/ 📍AmE /niːʃ/, /nɪtʃ/ لول کلمه : C1 a comfortable or suitable role, job, way of life, etc موقعیت مناسب
📍the opinion that people have about what somebody/something is like, based on what has happened in the past
( گردشگری ) مثلا تو هتل یعنی اتاقیه که دسترسی به اینترنت داره
✅half boardبه محل هایه اقامتی گفته میشه که صبحانه و یه وعده ی غذایی دیگه داده میشه ✅full boardاتاق که همه وعده های غذایی شامل شود.
Longman : a room and two meals a day, usually breakfast and dinner at a hotel به محل هایه اقامتی گفته میشه که صبحانه و شام ( طبق ترجمه لانگمن ) ویا ...
( in a hotel ) اتاقی که روبروی دریا باشد
اتاقی که یک تخت یک نفره دارد. ✅a bed, room etc that is meant to be used by one person only
🎯centrepiece ( br ) centerpiece ( amr ) noun رکن اصلی the main or most important feature
🎯stringent ( adjective ) SYN: strict/firm سفت و سخت There are now stringent controls on pollution from all power stations
🎯drawback ( noun ) SYN: A problem/disadvantage اِشکال، ایراد، مشکل
🎯reflector ( noun ) an object that sends light back or makes it stronger بازتابنده، منعکس کننده
🎯محموله، بار
🎯vulnerable 🎯SYN: weak, without defence ( bri ) defense ( amr ) 🎯آسیب پذیر
🎯a sudden strong desire to do something 🎯تصمیم و انگیزه ناگهانی 🎯SYN: urge 🎯a sudden impulse to laugh
acknowledge🎯 AWL ( Academic Word List ) SYN:admit meaning :accept as true تصدیق کردن، پذیرفتن
🎯rejuvenate /rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt/ SYN:refresh /restore تجدید قوا کردن جوان سازی
obesity : /əʊˈbiːsəti $ oʊˈbiːsəti - / the condition of being very overweight اضافه وزن بیش از حد
Unconsciously P. O. S: adverb SYN:with out thinking / automatically به صورت ناخودآگاه به طور ناخودآگاه
a small left over piece باقی مانده ، بقیه ، اثر ، بقایا ( درجمع ) ، اثار ، بقایا ( درجمع ) ، آثار
ارابه example: From 1904 to 1915, chariot races took the place of football.
grandeur POS: noun SYN: GREATNESS عظمت /بزرگی
exotic p. o. s: adjective SYN: unusual from a foreign place بیگانه / عجیب غریب
1. organize 2. make work together هماهنگ کردن
It's a dream come true . meaning : Something that happened , although it was not likely that it would رویای به حقیقت پیوسته
food that is perishable is likely to decay quickly فاسد شدنی
edible OPP: inedible sth that is edible can be eaten . خوردنی / قابل خوردن
to arrange thing or put them in their places مرتب کردن
when you get rid of something اختیار
انحصاری available or belonging only to particular people, and not shared
boundary ( n ) :the edge ; border