پیشنهادهای SuperSU (١,٥٢٣)
hang loose ( relax ) . Just hang loose for another few days. ریلکس کردن
hang tough ( stick with ) . We need to hang tough on our decision. محکم استادن ، عزم را جزم کردن
hang it up ( quit ) . I have decided to hang up my teaching job. دست کشیدن ، متوقف کردن
hammer ( accelerator ) . Put the hammer to the floor or we’ll be late for the wedding. پدال گاز
hairy ( dangerous ) . That was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over. خطرناک
gut ( stomach ) . He was shot in the gut. شکم
guts ( courage ) . It takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion. دل و جرات
grungy ( dirty ) . That is a grungy jacket. کثیف
grubby ( unclean and untidy ) . Those clothes are too grubby to wear to the party. کثیف وکهنه
grub ( food ) . Where is the best place to get some grub around here?
gross ( disgusting ) . Picking your nose is a gross habit.
gross - out ( disgusting time ) The party was a gross - out. حال بهم زن
groovy ( pleasant ) . This music is groovy. ( Note: This expression is from the 1960’s and outdated in American culture. باحال و مطلوب
gravy ( easy money ) . This job is pure gravy. پول اسون و مفت
grass ( marijuana ) . Some students smoke grass in the dormitory.
grand ( thousand dollars ) . His salary is twenty grand.
gourd ( head ) . Use your gourd to figure out what is happening. سر
go down ( happening ) . What’s going down at your place? اتفاق افتادن
goofy ( silly ) . You were acting really goofy last night.
goof ( fool ) . I’m a real goof at times.
go ( try ) . Let me have a go at solving the problem. امتحان کردن
go bananas ( go crazy ) . I’m going to go bananas if I don’t get away soon.
glitch ( problem ) . There’s glitch in this computer software
glitzy ( fashionable ) . This is a pretty glitzy hotel to be staying in. جای با کالس
gig ( job ) . I have a gig on a Saturday night from 7 to 10 pm.
freebie ( a free thing ) . The pillow was a freebie.
get into something ( become seriously interested in ) . He got into gardening in high school. عالقه مند شدن
get with it ( hurry up ) . If you don’t get with it, we will never finish this work. عجله کردن
fox ( very attractive ) . His older sister is a fox. سکسی و خوشکل
foxy ( sexy ) . She’s a foxy lady. سکسی
flick ( movie ) . I haven’t seen a flick in a long time. فیلم
flip out ( lost control ) . He flipped out when he heard his mother had been killed. قاطی کردن ، عصبانی شدن
flashback ( a memory ) At the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend. خاطرات
flaky ( unreliable ) . He is too flaky to do the work.
far out ( great ) . This music is really far out.
fix ( dose of drugs ) . The addict needs another fix. مواد مخدر
face - off ( confrontation ) The two dies were headed for a nasty face - off.
eat ( bothering ) . The problem is really eating away at me. رو اعصاب بودن
easy mark ( likely victim ) . You are an easy mark if you carry a lot of cash سوژه و قربانی
dynamite ( powerful, great ) . This drink is really dynamite.
earful ( a lot of gossip ) . My grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood. شایعه
down ( drink quickly ) . Let’s go to a bar and down a few beers. خوردن و یا نوشیدن سریع چیزی
dork ( strange person ) . He is such a dork. ادم احمق
ditch ( get rid of ) I’ll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother
do a snow job on ( deceive ) . Don’t try to do a snow job on me. کاله سر کسی گذاشتن
dirty ( obscene ) . I hear that’s a dirty movie. سکسی و صحنه دار
dicey ( chancy ) . Since the weather is a little dicey, I won’t go today. شانسی، خطرناک
deck ( knocked down ) . He was decked in the fight. ضربه فنی شدن در مبارزه
dead ( quiet ) . It’s really been dead around here lately. ساکت
damage ( cost ) . Let’s get our restaurant bill and see what the damage is. هزینه ، ضرر