پیشنهادهای Sunflower (١,٥٦١)
رسیدگی به جرم و جرایم بررسیِ جرم و جرایم رسیدگی و بررسی مبنی بر رسیدگی بازجویی از مجرم بازپرسی از مجرم تحقیق در باره جرم کسی.
Noun : a court of justice court of inquiry court of law law court دادگاهِ . . دادسرا دادگستری a seat or bench for a judge or judges
داد و فریاد راه انداختن
( in anthropological or formal use ) a man who is one of a person's blood relations Male family member cousin uncle nephew
To reach ( a place, position, or thing ) again; get back to To return to To get back to To find one's way back to To reach again به جایی رسیدن به ج ...
assistant helper right - hand man
real and tangible rather than imaginary real true actual existing
Cut purse To pickpocket جیب بری کردن جیب کسی زدن
To link To connect
Adj قطب شمالی Noun : منطقه ی قطب شمال
One who claps another on the shoulder, as in familiarity or to arrest him
a dandy
Adj : eager or willing to do something new or challenging خواهان چیزی پایه I'm game, love! Lead and I'll follow من که پایه ام! راهو نشونم بده، می ...
a white English - speaking person of British or northern European origin
dupe innocent sucker stooge fool soft touch pushover chump victim pawn puppet instrument sitting duck sitting target
one's superiors in social class or ability people who are more important or who have a higher social position
To order To command To tell To require To demand To call upon
FORMAL the term or terms applied to someone or something نام/اسم/کلمه یا عبارتی که برای کسی یا چیزی به کار رفته
in an earnest and persistent manner با اصرار، پافشاری و جدیت . . . با حرارت و جدیت . . . مصرانه و به طور جدی. . .
معرفیِ . . . ( کتاب )
a special interest or skill areas or topics that one finds interesting
Verism is the artistic preference of contemporary everyday subject matter instead of the heroic or legendary in art and literature; it is a form of r ...
To come back to به . . . قبلی خود برگشتن ( شرایط/شکل/وضع/حالت )
by a particular interpretation of a statement or situation
To arrange differently To arrange again تغییر در چیدمان چیزی دادن چیدمان چیزی تغییر دادن/عوض کردن دوباره چیدن متفاوت چیدن Those creatures were anle ...
speculation presumption assumption theory hypothesis
بخشیدن What gives you the right to hand out life and death ? Star Trek TOS
1. سر به زیر آرام و بی آزار با ادب و نزاکت خوش رفتار و کمی خجالتی ساکت فروتن . . . آزارش به مورچه هم نمیرسه! دلسوز و مهربان 2. نرم و لطیف و ملا ...
NORTH AMERICAN an inhabitant of backwoods, especially one regarded as uncouth or backward کسی که در بیشه ساکن است ( دور از شهر ) و دست و پا چلفت ...
back end
to expect too much from ( a relationship/authority ) in a way that shows that one does not understand one's role in the relationship to go beyond ...
lack of regard for the danger or consequences of one's actions; rashness
بی احساس بی عاطفه بی تفاوت بی اعتنا بی توجهه ( سنگدل )
To make a loud inarticulate sound expressing fear, pain, grief از درد /ترس فریاد زدن - داد زدن از درد داد و فریاد کردن Cry out for help فریاد زدن ب ...
To provoke or annoy ( someone ) so as to stimulate an action or reaction
Noun: profit benefit advantage percentage return cut take Verb: To get To obtain To achieve To recieve To net To win To be given گیر آوردن عاید ...
To suggest To recommend To propose To come up with To present To put forward To extend
( of a person or animal ) reared in a specified environment or way Raised Brought up Taught Tained Educated
To bring up To raise To nurture To educate To teach To train
authority strictness a firm hand 2. a system of rules of conduct
1. To oppose or resist something 2. ( of a decision or result ) be unfavourable for someone شرایط/اوضاع/تصمیم/نتیجه/پیامد/دستآورد به نفع کسی نب ...
Use Good Effect Aid Help No, its not advantage enough به اندازه ی کافی فایده/کارایی/مزیت نداره. Or نه به اندازه کافی به درد بخور/ موثر / کارا نیست
To help ( someone ) , typically by doing a share of the work کمک کردن به وسیله انجام دادن بخشی از کاری ( یه جایِ کاری را گرفتن )
To disconnect قطع کردن
break - up breakdown تخریب خرابی از کار اقتادن فروپاشی - فرو ریزی اختلال weakening تضعیف
هم گروهی
To make To create To manufacture To produce To construct To build To assemble To put together To cobble together To form To fashion
to display outwardly especially to an audience To present نمایش/. . . ارائه دادن به تماشا گذاشتن projecting an illusion
to remove the best or most easily obtainable contents from برداشتن بهترین/بدترین/آسون ترینِ محتوا/چیزی از . . . He skimmed the worst ones in histor ...