پیشنهادهای جلیل جعفری (١,٦٩٧)
An English way to say love. تلفظ love در گویش انگلیسی.
An area in the countryside that is far from a town or city. جایی دور از شهر و شهرک اصطلاحا جهنم دره
وانگهی، یکی از اون، در ضمن.
Activities that are enjoyable or amusing. کارهای سرگرم کننده و لذت بخش
اتاق خواب مستر، مستر.
Mind your own beeswax. سرت توی کار خودت باشه، فضولی موقوف.
having a romantic relationship with ( someone ) . رابطه عاشقانه با کسی داشتن
in the mid - to - late ( 20th century ) : in the second half of ( the 20th century ) idiom. نیمه دوم، بخش دوم، نیمه آخر، بخش پایانی
This term refers to the loss ( death ) of a family member, when an entire family is bereaved. داغدیدگی، مرگ عزیز کرده خانواده.
If you ask someone what they are on about, you are asking that person, often in a slightly annoyed way, what they mean. منظورت چیه؟ چی می خوای بگی؟
عطف بماسبق
فتح باب کردن، رشته کلام را به دست گرفتن.
A person or entity that plays a significant and primary role in the success, development, or impact of a project, organization, or initiative. . . م ...
محبوس یا حبس خودخواسته.
The self - arrest is a climbing technique mostly used in mountaineering and alpine climbing where a climber who has fallen and is sliding uncontrolla ...
The term “language order” refers to the way that languages are ordered within a culture, to the recurrent patterns and schemas and tropes by which th ...
Acting in accordance with morality and showing recognition of right and wrong. عمل به اخلاق و تشخیص حق و باطل.
Ideological passion was defined as a strong inclination toward a loved, valued, and self - defining cause, ideology, or group in which people invest ...
Formal genetics deals with the study of Mendel's laws of inheritance, suggesting the transmission of single gene characters in the families, along wi ...
Power definitions of Open struggle ; fight. verb. Senses relating to physical conflict ; conflict. noun. An open clash between two opposing groups ( ...
لِمِ کار، قِلِق کار.
Not ready or prepared for something. شتابزده، خام دستانه، باعجله، هول هولکی.
Real and not merely possible or imagined. حوادث واقعی، براساس واقعیت.
It is used to denote something that is done in real life as opposed to in theory or hypothetically. عملی، به عمل.
A public official is an elected or appointed official, or an employee of a Federal, state or local government in the United States. مامور دولت، کارم ...
ناروشمند، غیراصولی.
لاجرم، به ناچار.
Organized on the basis of ownership by the people or the state rather than private ownership or involvement. اشتراکی، جمعی
توی سر سگ بزنی می ریزه.
امروزی، عصری.
توده، لوف، لوفه.
Change to an opposite tack. تغییر مسیر دادن مثال: The yacht went about, and away towards France again. ترجمه پیشنهادی: قایق تغییر مسیر داد و دوباره ...
A safety video is an instructional video intended to train the employees, stakeholders, users of a building or transport, guests and others to remain ...
پیش فرض سیستم: کمیت از پیش تعیین شده در کامپیوتر که به عنوان تنظیمات پیش فرض به طور خودکار انتخاب می شود مگر اینکه کاربر آنها را تغییر دهد.
an alcoholic derelict who drinks only cheap wine. دائم الخمری که فقط شراب ارزان قیمت سر می کشد.
جل وپلاس
آسمون جل، دربدر، کارتن خواب.
A fight between homeless or underprivileged people, sometimes filmed as entertainment. دعوای بین افراد بی خانمان یا محروم که گاهی اوقات به عنوان سرگ ...
تریبون، سکو، صحنه.
پیاده نظام سواره: شکلی از سرباز پیاده نظام است که به جای راه پیمایی منظم از اسب استفاده می کند.
دل کشور ، قلب مملکت.
شهوت انگیز، لختی پختی.
To criticize or shout at someone in a very direct and angry way. کسی را با صراحت و عصبانیت خطاب و عتاب کردن، توپیدن به کسی. مثال: The coach was/got ...
It means you look a certain way, perhaps sad or frustrated or confused, and they are asking why that is. See a translation. این چه قیافه ایه؟ وقتی ط ...
Something that happens or is done briefly happens or is done for a very short period of time. مدت خیلی کوتاه، کسری از ثانیه.
A lecture hall ( or lecture theatre ) is a large room used for instruction, typically at a college or university. در دانشگاه و کالج و مراکز آموزش عا ...
The town or city or area that a person is from, especially the one in which they were born and lived while young. روستا یا قصبه محل تولد و زندگی تا ...
در ادبیات کهن پارسی به جام جهان بین، جام جم یا جام جهان نما ( نام های دیگر: جام گیتی نما، جام کی خسرو، جام جهان آرا، جام جهان بین، و جام عالم بین ) م ...
To wake someone up or make someone more active or excited. کسی را بیدار یا تحریک و هیجان زده کردن