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If I catch flight , it's gon' be direct . ( آهنگ Euphoria   از Kendrick Lamar  ) این جمله دقیقا به چی اشاره داره؟چه منظوری رو میخواد برسونه؟ با تشکر

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Catch flight یعنی سریع از یه جایی فرار کردن و رفتن. It's gon' be direct  یعنی بدون توقف و مستقیم باشه در کل من فکر میکنم منظورش این باشه که هر تصمیمی که میخواد بگیره به صورت مستقیم و قاطعانه بهش عمل میکنه و از مسیر خودش منحرف نمیشه.

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معنی این اصطلاح چیه ؟ در چه شرایطی استفاده میشه؟

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معنیش میشه صادق باش، روراست باش.  شرایطشم با معنیش مشخصه دیگه. وقتی میخوای یک نفر باهات شفاف صحبت کنه بدون دروغ و ریا و... از این استفاده میکنی.   راستی informal هم هست👍  

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 مثلا بیاد دیتابیس خودش و نظرات کاربراش رو به هوش مصنوعی وصل کنه و کارهای این چنینی شما چه پیشنهادی برای بهتر شدن ابادیس میدید  از نظر من پاداشی شدن جواب ها کاربران رو  ترغیب میکنه که فقط به سوالات پولی جواب بدن و دیگر سوالات رایگان رو رها کنن و سایت افت پیدا کنه مثلا منی قبلا کارم زبان بود یهو سوال ریاضی میبنم  و ...و این باعض میشه سایت از حالت تخصصی خودش خارج بشه 

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یک چیز عجیبی که من متوجه شدم اینه که وقتی یک نفر جواب درست رو میده عوض اینکه بقیه او جواب رو تایید کنند ، میان و دوباره همون حرف هارو تکرار می کنند. . .
واقعا این سطح از رفتار های کودکانه در افراد بزرگس سال خیلی خنده داره.
مثلا بعدا با این امتیاز ها میخوان چیکار کنن من نمیفهمم.
انگار دارن گیم میزنن! هرکی بیشتر امتیاز داره برندس!

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یک کلمه ی انگلیسی معادل دو جمله ی زیر  To make or become different The process of becoming different چی میشه ؟

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(Change or changing )  I guess though...

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چند گزینه‌ای

The boat sank, but they ______ swim to the shore.

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•could Could is the past tense form of can, which is used to express ability. Since the sentence is in the past tense, indicated by (The boat sank) we need to use the past tense . So (could) is correct. 

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چند گزینه‌ای

 فقهاي شوراي نگهبان توسط چه کسی و چگونه انتخاب میشوند ؟

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فقهای شورای نگهبان توسط رهبر جمهوری اسلامی ایران و بدون نیاز به رأی یا تأیید مجلس انتخاب میشه

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من مترجم هستم به زبان ایتالیایی

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Sono un traduttore

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در جمله زیر کلمه  Let the dog up درسته یاlet the dog out …My papers are dirty , who let the dog

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…My papers are dirty , who let the dog in

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سلام  "accurate"   به معنی درست و دقیق چن تا معادل انگلیسی داره ؟ 

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Correct Exact Right  Precise 

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سلام .مفهوم " take after sb"  چیه ؟

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means to have similar physical or personality traits to someone or to resemble them in some way and it often use to describe children or teenagers who resemble their parents in their physical or personality traits.  

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The chronological epitome of the late military operations in Ava, which he has subjoined in the Appendix, is an attempt to supply an omission of his friend Colonel Snod- grass, in his concise and ably written "Narrative," viz. to furnish at a glance the events of the Burman War, and  the loss sustained in that arduous and prolonged conflict

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means to add or include s.th that is missing  or incomplete, to fill in a gap or to fill up a missing piece. He says that  the appendix is an attempt to correct or complete a deficiency or an absence in the (Narrative) written by their friend Colonel Snodgrass. This means the appendix is trying to fill a gap or to add something that was not included in the original document.

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Guese the concept and meaning of " use the door get on the floor. " I myself know it, just intend to test your analytical and comprehension ability.  DO NOT     look it up in dicti ...

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سلام . ممنونم امیدوارم شما هم خوب باشید.  زدم تو کار ادبیات، دانشگاه رشته حقوق برداشتم  بدبخت کردم خودمو... اتفاقا  از دور دارم میبینم  ولی خوب  نمیشه کاریش کرد وقتی عین مور و ملخ میریزن سوالارو درست یا غلط پاسخ میدن ، فقط میتونم بین جواب درست و غلط جواب درستو لایک کنم🥲   

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In conclusion, the author submits his book to the can dour of the public, and trusts that his youth and com parative inexperience will plead in extenuation of its defects, and secure it an indulgent reception  

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means he is asking the general public to judge his book with honesty and openness.he is hoping that the public will be generous and understanding in giving their opinions on the book, especially since ...

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کتابی یکی از متنها نوشته شده معنی آن چیست: خیلی خب. دل و قلوه دادن بسه.

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قربون صدقه رفتن و عاشقانه حرف زدن  

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با سلام معنی does well در جمله زیر چجوریه  Every parents feel a sense of pride when their child does well

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means  the child has achieved success or has accomplished something that is impressive or admirable.

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معنی جمله reads lies about him  چیست As max read lies about him he felt a surge of anger

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Max was reading false or negative information about himself, which caused him to become angry , someone has written lies about Max and published them in writing or on the internet for others to read.  

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تفاوت Reduce vs decrease vs diminish

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"Reduce" often has a positive or beneficial connotation, suggesting a reduction in something negative or undesirable, like waste, costs, or problems. E.g."I've been trying to reduce my stress levels." ...

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سلام اخیرأ این جک رو شنیدم ولی متوجه منظورش نشدم   What is the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? Porcupines have pricks on the outside.”

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The joke you shared is a pun, and it is making a play on words or "wordplay" to create a humorous or interesting effect. The word "pricks" has two meanings in English. The first meaning is a slang ter ...

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سلام وقتتون بخیر به نظر شما برای ترکیب با اسم فروشگاه لباس از کلمه gallery استفاده کنم یا از collection؟

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A "collection" implies a group of items that are collected together, which is a suitable name for a clothing store that sells a wide variety of styles and clothes. The name "gallery" has more of an ar ...

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Guese the concept and meaning of " use the door get on the floor. " I myself know it, just intend to test your analytical and comprehension ability.  DO NOT     look it up in dicti ...

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maybe... Exit a room or leave an area quickly "Exit" don't be too hard on me...🫣

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سلام من متوجه معنی یا بهتره بگم مفهوم این جمله نمیشم؟ اگر بگید منظور از این جمله چیه ممنون میشم توضیح بدین. .Change is the only constant

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"Change is the only constant" is a famous phrase in English. It means that all things change or come and go in life, and the only things that are always present or remain are the changes themselves. I ...

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controversial link between معنی چی میشه ؟ ایا این معنی رو می دع  ..یعنی  پیوند جنجالی بین   we’ll be discussing the controversial link between overpopulation and climate change   

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a "controversial link" means a possible connection between overpopulation and climate change that is debated or questioned by many people, but not fully accepted as a true cause and effect relationship. I hope you understand the answer.

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سلام لطفا جمله زیر را ترجمه کنید: Back for war.   "برای جنگ آماده شوید" یا "به جنگ بر می‌گردیم" یا ...؟

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دومی  You can also alternatively say  •return to war  •rejoin a war

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معنی فارسی این جمله: say something  about your clob

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it is quite ambiguous without some additional information I'm not entirely sure what "your clob" is supposed to mean. Clob isn't a common word in English and isn't used as a noun. If it was supposed to be "club" instead, then the sentence would make a little more sense 

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استفاده کن وگرنه ازدستش میدی به انگلیسی چی میشه؟  آیا use our losed صحیح است؟

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*Use it or lose it * is more common 

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مفهوم جمله زیر: depressed people think the way they do 

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It implies that people who suffer from depression tend to interpret and perceive things with a pessimistic or negative outlook.

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