پیشنهادهای حامد جباری (٣,٧١٤)
peculiarly 3 ( adv ) =very; more than usually, e. g. These plants are peculiarly prone to disease.
peculiar 1 ( adj ) ( pɪˈkyulyər ) =strange or unusual, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying, synonym odd, e. g. He died in very peculia ...
peculiar 2 ( adj ) =belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, etc. , and not to others, e. g. He has his own peculiar style, which yo ...
parallelogram ( n ) ( p�rəˈlɛləˌɡr�m ) =a flat shape with four straight sides, the opposite sides being parallel and equal to each other
negligent ( adj ) ( nɛɡlədʒənt ) =failing to give sth sb enough attention, e. g. negligent driving. =relaxed, e. g. He waved his hand in a negligent ...
negligible ( adj ) ( nɛɡlɪdʒəbl ) =of very little importance or size and not worth considering, e. g. The cost was negligible.
neglectful ( adj ) ( nɪˈɡlɛktfl ) =not giving enough care or attention to sth sb, e. g. neglectful parents. She became neglectful of her appearance.
negligee ( n ) ( nɛɡləˈʒeɪ ) ( also neglig�e ) =a loose, pretty coat of very light material, worn by women before going to bed
neglect ( v, n ) ( nɪˈɡlɛkt ) =to not give enough attention to sth, e. g. She has neglected her studies. She denies neglecting her baby. neglected ( ...
flourish 4 ( n ) =details and decoration that are used in speech or writing, e. g. a speech full of rhetorical flourishes
flourish 5 ( n ) =a curved line that is used as decoration, especially in writing, e. g. Her signature was a complicated affair of practiced flourish ...
flourish 3 ( v ) =to wave sth around in a way that makes people look at it, e. g. He rushed into the room flourishing the newspaper.
flourish 1 ( v ) ( flərɪʃ ) =to develop quickly and be successful or common, e. g. Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. Th ...
flourish 2 ( v ) =to grow well; to be healthy and happy, e. g. These plants flourish in a damp climate. Peter is really flourishing in his new school.
discern ( v ) ( dɪˈsərn ) =to know, recognize, or understand sth, especially sth that isn't obvious, e. g. She discerned a coldness in his welcome. d ...
contaminate ( v ) ( kənˈt�məˌneɪt ) =to make a substance or place dirty by adding a substance that carries disease, e. g. a river contaminated by pol ...
contaminant ( n ) ( kənˈt�mənənt ) =a substance that makes something impure, e. g. Filters don't remove all contaminants from water.
afford ( v ) ( əˈfɔrd ) =to have enough money or time to be able to buy or to do sth, e. g. Can we afford a new car. affordable ( adj ) , affordably ...
reliable ( adj ) ( rɪˈlaɪəbl ) =that can be trusted to do sth well, e. g. a reliable friend. =that is likely to be correct, e. g. a reliable witness. ...
reliant ( adj ) ( rɪˈlaɪənt ) =needing sth sb in order to survive, be successful, etc. , synonym dependent, Businesses have become increasingly relia ...
ready - made 3 ( adj ) =already provided for you so you don't need to produce or think about it yourself, e. g. When he married her, he also took on ...
ready - mixed ( adj ) =already mixed and ready to use, e. g. ready - mixed concrete.
ready - made 1 ( adj ) =prepared in advance so that you can eat or use it immediately, e. g. ready - made pie crust.
ready - made 2 ( adj ) ( alsao ready - to - wear ) =made in standard sizes, not to the measurements of a particular customer, e. g. a ready - made su ...
ready 1 ( v, adj ) ( rɛdi ) =to prepare sth, sb or yourself for sth, e. g. Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern ...
ready 2 ( n ) ( rɛdi ) at the ready ( idiom ) =available to be used immediately, e. g. Ball kids at the ready. We all had our cameras at the ready. H ...
proportional representation ( n ) =a system that gives each party in an election a number of seats in relation to the number of votes its candidates ...
proportional ( adj ) ( prəˈpɔrʃənl ) =of an appropriate size, amount, or degree in comparison with sth, e. g. Salary is proportional to years of expe ...
prophesy ( v ) ( prɑfəˌsaɪ ) =to say what will happen in the future ( done in the past using religious or magic powers ) , e. g. to prophesy war. pro ...
philanthropy ( n ) ( fəˈl�nθrəpi ) =the practice of helping the poor by money, He acquired a considerable fortune and was noted for his philanthropy. ...
philanthropist ( n ) ( fəˈl�nθrəpɪst ) =a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money, e. g. He was a wealthy busine ...
periodic table ( n ) =a list of all the chemical elements, arranged according to their atomic number
periodic ( adj ) ( pɪriˈɑdɪk ) ( less frequent periodical ) =happening fairly often and regularly, e. g. periodic visits. Periodic checks are carried ...
magnitude 2 ( n ) =the degree to which a star is bright, e. g. The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes.
magnitude 3 ( n ) =the size of an earthquake, e. g. The quake reached a magnitude of 7. 1 on the Richter scale.
magnitude 1 ( n ) ( m�ɡnəˌtud ) =the great size or importance of sth; the degree to which sth is large or important, e. g. We didn't realize the magn ...
intrusive ( adj ) ( ɪnˈtrusɪv ) =too noticeable, direct, etc. in a way that is disturbing or annoying, e. g. intrusive questions. intrusion ( n ) ( ɪ ...
intrude ( v ) ( ɪnˈtrud ) =to go or be somewhere where you are not wanted or are not supposed to be, e. g. legislation to stop newspapers from intrud ...
intricate ( adj ) ( ɪntrɪkət ) =having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together, e. g. intricate patterns. intricately ( adv ) , ...
hue 1 ( n ) ( hyu ) =a color; a particular shade of a color, e. g. His face took on an unhealthy whitish hue.
hue 2 ( n ) =a type of belief or opinion, e. g. supporters of every political hue.
compile 2 ( v ) =to translate instructions from one computer language into another so that a particular computer can understand them, compiler 2 ( n ...
compile 1 ( v ) ( kəmˈpaɪl ) =to produce a book, etc. by bringing together different items, e. g. We are trying to compile a list of suitable people. ...
compilation ( n ) ( kɑmpəˈleɪʃn ) =a collection of items, especially pieces of music or writing, taken from different places and put together, e. g. ...
archaism ( n ) ( ɑrkiˌɪzəm, ɑrkeɪˌɪzəm ) =a very old word or phrase that is not used anymore, e. g. This peculiar rhyme may embody that stylistic arc ...
archaic ( adj ) ( ɑrˈkeɪɪk ) =old and not used anymore =very old - fashioned =from a much earlier or ancient period of history, e. g. archaic art.
analogy ( n ) ( əˈn�lədʒi ) =a comparison of one thing with another thing that has similar features, e. g. learning by analogy. analogous ( adj ) ( ə ...
analog 3 ( n ) ( �nlˌɑɡ ) =a thing that is similar to another thing, e. g. Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with livi ...
analog 1 ( adj ) ( �nlˌɑɡ ) ( also analogue ) =using a continuously changing range of physical quantities to measure or store data, e. g. an analog c ...
analog 2 ( adj ) =showing the time using hands on a dial and not with a display of numbers, e. g. an analog clock.