پیشنهادهای حامد جباری (٣,٧١٤)
عصبی - رشدی
aggravated 1 ( adj ) ( �ɡrəˌveɪt̮əd ) =slightly angry; annoyed, e. g. I get so aggravated when he does that
aggravated 2 =an aggravated crime involves further unnecessary violence or unpleasant behavior, e. g. aggravated assault
aggravate 1 ( v ) ( �ɡrəˌveɪt ) =to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse, e. g. Pollution can aggravate asthma. aggravating ( adj ) ...
aggravate 2 ( v ) =to annoy sb, especially deliberately, e. g. She found him thoroughly aggravating and unprofessional.
striking 2 ( adj ) =very attractive, often in an unusual way, e. g. striking good looks. She was undoubtedly a very striking young woman.
striking 1 ( adj ) ( straɪkɪŋ ) =interesting and unusual enough to attract attention, e. g. a striking feature. She bears a striking resemblance to h ...
strikebound ( adj ) ( straɪkbaʊnd ) =unable to operate because employees have stopped working as a protest, e. g. a strikebound airport.
strike - breaker ( n ) =a person who continues to work while other employees are on strike; a person who is employed to replace people who are on str ...
strike 9 ( v ) =to take down tents, sails, etc. , e. g. It took many hours to strike camp ( take down the tents that people live in ) . The ship stru ...
strike 8 ( v ) =to make a coin, e. g. Those gold coins were struck in 1907
strike 5 ( v ) =to rub sth such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface, e. ...
strike 6 ( v ) =to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc. , e. g. Did you hear the clock strike. Four o'clock had just struck.
strike 7 ( v, n ) =to discover gold, oil, etc. by digging or drilling, e. g. They had struck oil!
strike 3 ( v ) =to remove sth sb from sth written, such as a list or record, e. g. Strike his name from the list.
strike 4 ( v, n ) =to refuse to work as a protest, e. g. The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. the bus drivers' strike. striker 2 ( ...
strike 1 ( v ) ( straɪk ) =to hit sth sb hard or with force, e. g. The ship struck a rock. The child ran into the road and was struck by a car
strike 2 ( v, n ) =to hit sth sb with your hand or a weapon, e. g. He struck the table with his fist. She struck him in the face. an air strike. stri ...
stream of consciousness ( n ) =a continuous flow of ideas, thoughts, and feelings, as they are experienced by a person
streamer ( n ) ( strimər ) =a long narrow piece of colored paper, used to decorate a place for a party or other celebration, e. g. The room was decor ...
spontaneous ( adj ) ( spɑnˈteɪniəs ) =not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it, e. g. a spontaneous offer of help. spontaneously ( adv ...
spandex ( n ) ( sp�ndɛks ) =an artificial material that stretches, used especially for making sports clothes
ridged ( adj ) ( rɪdʒd ) =with raised lines on the surface, e. g. a ridged frying pan.
ridge 2 ( n ) ( rɪdʒ ) =a narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills; a high pointed area near the top of a mountain, e. g. walking al ...
ridge 3 ( n ) =a long narrow area of high pressure in the atmosphere, e. g. a ridge of high pressure over the Atlantic
ridge 1 ( v, n ) ( rɪdʒ ) =to make narrow raised lines or areas on the surface of sth, e. g. the ridge of the roof.
radiator ( n ) =a hollow metal device for heating rooms. Radiators are usually connected by pipes through which hot water is sent =a device for cooli ...
radiate ( v ) ( reɪdiˌeɪt ) =to spread out in all directions from a central point, e. g. He radiated optimism. Heat radiates from the stove. radiant ...
lethargy ( n ) ( lɛθərdʒi ) =the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm for doing things, e. g. The report criticizes the lethargy shown by emp ...
legislature ( n ) ( lɛdʒəsˌleɪtʃər ) =a group of people who have the power to make and change laws, e. g. a democratically elected legislature.
legislator ( n ) ( lɛdʒəsˌleɪt̮ər ) =a member of a group of people that has the power to make laws, e. g. They said they would continue to write lett ...
legislate ( v ) ( lɛdʒəsˌleɪt ) =to make a law affecting sth, e. g. The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace. legislativ ...
involuntary ( adj ) ( ɪnˈvɑlənˌtɛri ) =an involuntary movement, etc. is made suddenly, without you intending it or being able to control it, e. g. an ...
ingredient ( n ) ( ɪnˈɡridiənt ) =one of the things from which sth is made, e. g. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. It has all the ingredients of a ...
demonstrate ( v ) =to take part in a public meeting or march, e. g. students demonstrating against the war. demonstration ( n ) , demonstrator ( n )
upstanding ( adj ) ( ʌpˈst�ndɪŋ ) =behaving in a moral and honest way, e. g. an upstanding member of the community.
unmistakable ( adj ) ( ʌnmɪˈsteɪkəbl ) =that can't be mistaken for sth sb else, e. g. the unmistakable sound of gunfire. unmistakably ( adv ) e. g. H ...
tedious ( adj ) ( tidiəs ) =lasting or taking too long and not interesting, e. g. The journey became tedious. tediously, tediousness, tedium =boredom ...
sharps ( n ) [plural] =things with a sharp edge or point, such as needles and syringes, e. g. the safe disposal of sharps. sharps injuries.
sharpen 2 =to make a disagreement between people, or an issue on which people disagree, clearer and likely to produce a result, e. g. There is a need ...
sharpen 3 ( v ) =to become or make sth better, more skillful, more effective, etc. than before, e. g. He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trial ...
sharpen 1 ( v ) ( ʃɑrpən ) =to make sth sharper; to become sharper, e. g. She sharpened her pencils and started drawing. sharpener ( n ) ( ʃɑrpənər ) ...
sharp 3 ( adj ) =not full or round in shape, e. g. a woman with a thin face and sharp features ( a pointed nose and chin ) .
sharp 4 ( adv ) ( ʃɑrp ) =used after an expression for a time of day to mean “exactly”, e. g. Please be here at seven o'clock sharp.
sharp 5 ( adv ) =turning suddenly to the left or right, e. g. sharp left. sharp right.
sharp 1 ( adj ) ( ʃɑrp ) =having a fine edge or point, especially of sth that can cut or make a hole in sth, e. g. a sharp knife. sharp teeth. sharpl ...
sharp 2 ( adj ) = ( of clothes or the way someone dresses ) fashionable and new, e. g. Todd is a sharp dresser. The consultants were a group of men i ...
profound ( adj ) ( prəˈfaʊnd ) =very great; felt or experienced very strongly, e. g. profound thoughts. profound changes in the earth's climate. prof ...
launch 5 ( n ) =a large boat with a motor
overt ( adj ) ( oʊˈvərt ) =done in an open way and not secretly, e. g. There was little overt support for the project. #covert, overtly ( adv ) e. g. ...