پیشنهادهای Figure (٣,٢٦٠)
a brief speech that outlines an idea for a product, service or project. The name comes from the notion that the speech should be delivered in the sho ...
در دفاع از چیزی بحث کردن، از ایده/فکر/ جایگاه خود دفاع کردن to defend something that you believe in by arguing The actor continued to fight his co ...
اجتناب/پرهیز/ دوری/احتراز کردن to try to avoid something: Before this course I'd always fought shy of technology.
گستاخی، توهین، اهانت، بی احترامی Rude or impertinent behavior/speech She'll be punished for her insolence
انداختن: The clumsy customer tipped the vase. over and broke it افتادن: The vase nearly tipped over ) ( نزدیک بود گلدان بیافته ) واژگون شدن: The bo ...
دندان خرگوشی having protruding upper front teeth
به شکل بدی متاثر شدن، آسیب دیدن، دچار آسیب و ضرر شدن to be badly affected in some way The region's economy will take a hit if the airbase is closed.
When the narcissist wants to evoke some punishment on a target they dispatch their henchmen ( aka flying monkeys ) to do their bidding. Unfortunately ...
verb؛ دوباره، از نو ، از اول انجام دادن to do something again from the beginning especially because you did it badly the first time فرصت مجدد برای ا ...
آب از لب و لوچه آویزون شدن to indulge the feelings effusively and without restraint To speak or write mawkishly stop slobbering over this guy and GE ...
خراب کردن، Ruin, corrupt, contaminate, spoil Don't ruin your friendship right before you move. It will taint it either way it goes.
با رفتارت نشون بدی که نسبت به کسی علاقه رومانتیک داری - to try too hard to attract the attention of ( someone one is sexually attracted to ) you ...
پرواز شبانه که معمولا ارزان قیمت می باشد In commercial aviation, a red - eye flight is a flight scheduled to depart at night and arrive the next mor ...
۱ ) منوط به، مشروط به - Dependent on ( other conditions or circumstances ) - conditional - used to describe something that can occur only when so ...
:Informal غیر عادی، عجیب، نامتعارف، دیوانه، - very extreme - unusual - strange - silly - unconventional - eccentric - crazy - mentally deran ...
دستور، فرمان، امر command, order، request, direction Villains use their henchmen, body warms, gofers to do their evil biddings.
Coward, not brave, lacking the courage
مسئله یا شرایط بد، ناراحت کننده، Something or a situation that is sad, upsetting , unfortunate, annoying
توقیف، مصادره the act of taking temporary possession of someone's property until they have paid money that is owed or obeyed a court order: This wou ...
اتفاق غیر منتظره ای که باعث سردرگمی و تعجب می شود و نیاز به اتخاذ تصمیم یا عکسل العمل سریع دارد. An unexpected occurrence or thing that causes conf ...
ولخرج a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; spendthrift.
1 - میوه پای درختی an apple or other fruit blown down from a tree or bush by the wind. 2. ثروت هنگفت بادآورده bonanza a large amount of money that ...
آنچه به وسیلۀ آن زندگانی کنند، از خوردنی و آشامیدنی، ، رزق، معیشت A livelihood is a means of making a living. It encompasses people's capabilities, ...
لکنت زبان To speak or say something, especially the first part of the word, with difficulty. . for example pausing before it or repeating it several ...
وظایف و کارهای متعددی بر عهده داشتن extra duties/roles, responsibilities or jobs that you have to perform in the different areas of your life
to have many jobs, roles or responsibilities
برنامه سفر، A detailed plan for a journey, including a list of places to be visited, and often other information such as the dates, places of reside ...
انصافا، الحق و ولانصاف used for making your criticism of someone or something seem less strong I should say in fairness to him that he’s quite a shr ...
شرایط را سنجیدن، ارزیابی کردن to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, and form an opinion about it so that you c ...
آروم باش، خودت رو کنترل کن، احساساتت رو کنترل کن، خودت رو جمع و جور کن، متوجه شرایط شدن، When a person has let their emotions take control of their ...
اختلاط کردن گپ زدن • To chit chat • Chatter • to chat about unimportant manners • to converse casually in order to pass the time or simply entert ...
1 - unfasten, undo 2 - to relax
درست به نظر میاد، seems to be true , makes sense Something about his explanation didn't quire ring true
نارو زدن To abandon a friend ( in most cases, best friend ) within their presence in order to hang out or become best friends with another. It is a ...
از تخم و تبار شیطان، همدست شیطان When someone is in league with the devil, a preacher might refer to them as “Satan's spawn. ” Your dad probably fi ...
با تجربه، با سواد، مجرب، highly experienced, practiced, or skilled; very knowledgeable; learned: He is a well - versed scholar on the subject of bib ...
rail against ( someone or something ) To protest, criticize/scold/reproach/berate/upb, violently raid/ revile/vituperate or vent angrily, severely, v ...
رو من حساب نکن، منو بذار کنار ، من نیستم To exclude someone from something, often at their own request. I don't think this ridiculous plan will wor ...
dishonest , dirty and immoral
عصبی، بدخلق، If you're in a really bad or irritable mood, you can say you're crabby. Some unpleasant, bad - tempered people seem to be crabby all t ...
خلاصه، A synopsis is a brief summary that gives audiences an idea of what a composition is about. It provides an overview of the storyline or main p ...
کلمات را کشیده ادا کردن to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged A drawl in your accent
منم من هم همینطور من نیز هم Me too used to agree with something that has just been said, or to avoid repeating something that has been said: "I ha ...
عسلم، عزیزم an affectionate term meaning dear or darling.
کوچه پس کوچه های خاطرات قدیم the memory of one's past life likened to a road down which one may travel: The class reunion was a trip down memory la ...
ti be involved tor participate in a particular activity especially something criminal or dishonest I felt certain that she was a party to his decepti ...
to begin to like someone ( romantically ) / have a crush on somebody, usually unexpectedly
- خودنما، ظاهر پرست، ظاهر بین، فخر فروش، فضل فروش، خود بزرگ بین، کسی که زیاد من من می کند و افراد با طبقه پایین اجتماعی را خوار و حقیر می شمارد، - ...
Don't get upset over trivial and petty stuff Don't make a drama out of a crisis
اشکال/نقص فنی کوچک/ مختصر A glitch is a problem or malfunction, usually a temporary one, in a system or machine.