پیشنهادهای محمد مهدی کریمی قهی (٣٥٨)
demolish = to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something else:
annihilate = devastate = demolish = ruin = destroy = spoil
devastate = to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage
devastate = annihilate = demolish = ruin = destroy = spoil
bee = زنبور beekeeper = زنبوردار
inattentive = superficial = careless = casual = perfunctory = cursory = negligent
superficial = careless = casual = perfunctory = cursory = negligent = inattentive
careless = casual = perfunctory = cursory = negligent = superficial = inattentive
casual = perfunctory = cursory = negligent= careless = superficial = inattentive
perfunctory = cursory = negligent = casual = careless = superficial = inattentive
negligent = cursory = perfunctory = casual = careless = superficial = inattentive
cursory = negligent = perfunctory = casual = careless = superficial = inattentive
impetuous = likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions
negligible = trivial = trifling = insignificant
insignificant = negligible = trivial = trifling
trivial = trifling = negligible = insignificant
trifling = trivial = negligible = insignificant
thoughtless = unmindful = heedless
heedless = unmindful = thoughtless
unmindful = heedless = thoughtless
heedless = not giving attention to a risk or difficulty
remiss = careless and not doing a duty well enough
disregard = neglect = shrik = negligence قصور، اهمال، کم توجهی، نادیده گرفتن
negligence = disregard = neglect = shrik قصور، اهمال، کم توجهی، نادیده گرفتن
neglect = shrik = disregard = negligence قصور، اهمال، کم توجهی، نادیده گرفتن
shrik = neglect = disregard = negligence قصور، اهمال، کم توجهی، نادیده گرفتن
slight = insignificant = negligible
insignificant = negligible = slight
negligible = insignificant = slight
contemplate = mediate = think deeply
mediate = contemplate = think deeply
lithe = young, healthy, attractive, and able to move and bend smoothly
obeisance = the fact of obeying or respecting someone, or something you do that expresses this
adjust = adapt = acclimate
adapt = acclimate = adjust
acclimate = adapt = adjust
reveal = divulge= disclose
disclose = reveal = divulge
divulge = reveal = disclose
hurdle = a problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress
He accepted the apology with exceeding graciousness اون عذرخوهی اش را با لطف ( بزرگواری ) بیش از حد پذیرفت
go beyond = be more than = exceed
exceed = go beyond = be more than
impel = force = push = to persuade = urge
congenital= inbred = innate = inborn = intrinsic = inherent = native = natural
inbred = innate = inborn = intrinsic = inherent = congenital = native = natural
innate = inborn = intrinsic = inherent = congenital = inbred = native = natural
inborn = intrinsic = inherent = innate = congenital = inbred = native = natural
inherent = intrinsic = inborn = innate = congenital = inbred = native = natural