پیشنهادهای Figure (٣,٢٦٠)
مزاحم شدن، . If someone is one's hair, they are annoying them by getting in their way or interfering with what you are doing. At work, she had an ...
A practical joke
۱ - لباس یکپارچه، بدون دوخت و درز literally a piece of clothing without ۲ - روان، آسوده، بدون زحمت و دردسر، بی دغدغه, بی عیب و نقص, هماهنگ، موزون ، ...
متفاوت از واقعیت و آنچه هست توصیف کردن بهتر یا به نفع خود جلوه دادن a way of describing an idea or situation that makes it seem better than it real ...
رباخوار، نزول خوار، usurer , moneylender a person who lends money at unreasonably high rates of interest Loans from loan sharks charge interest rat ...
modern popular culture transmitted via the mass media and aimed particularly at younger people. "fashion, music, and the iconography of pop culture ...
متداول، مد روز In English, it’s perfectly acceptable to refer to something fashionable as in vogue ( meaning in the current fashion or style ) , yet ...
سخت نگرفتن، ( راحتش بذار ) to loosen a tight restriction. In this idiom, cut has the meaning of give. :Or allow someone some leeway in their conduct
لب و لوچه آویزان an unhappy or disappointed expression. "if you go to the party, don't spoil your Uncle's evening with a long face
بیرمق، خسته، tuckered , knackered Running on fumes means to keep going even though one is out of energy, enthusiasm, money, support, or other resour ...
تحقیر آمیز نگاه کردن. . خوار شمردن at ( someone or something ) To regard oneself as superior to others and thus act in a haughty or snobbish manner ...
آزادی عمل، مجال، فرصت، سخت نگرفتن، پیشیح یولی ( در ترکی ) Leeway is the freedom that someone has to take the action they want to or to change their ...
گوش به فرمان، نوکر، سرسپرده If you refer to someone as another person's henchman, you mean that they work for or support the other person, especiall ...
گسترده، فراگیر ، وسیع، نافذ، پر نفوذ extending far in influence, effect, etc. : the far - reaching effect of his speech. something that goes on a ...
بیشترین لطمه را دیدن، متحمل بیشترین ضربه/ فشار/ لطمه/ آسیب شدن To suffer the worst part of an unpleasant or problematic situation. Women always tak ...
خطر کردن To hang a bell around a cat's neck to provide a warning. Any task that is difficult or impossible to achieve.
با نفس حبس شده در سینه If you wait for something with bated breath, you wait anxiously to find out what will happen. She waited with bated breath to ...
۱ ) آدمکشی، جنایت، قتل a criminal act that results in serious damage or injury, especially murder ۲ ) حقه، تزویر ، نیرنگ Dishonest or treacherous be ...
کار با سلیقه و تر و تمیز Tasteful things are elegant, appropriate, or aesthetically pleasing. A tasteful and well - done tattoo
دارای قوه تمایز و تشخیص بالا, دارای حس زیبا شناسی showing or indicating careful and fine grained judgment and discernment especially in matters of ta ...
۱ - صحبت کردن درباره، بحث کردن در مورد، به بحث و تبادل نظر گذاشتن to discuss something very thoroughly and in details This fall, the mayor and coun ...
1 ) move with a whistling or hissing sound . A motor bike swished past us 2 ) elegant, stylish, posh, fashionabl, classy
گنده، عظیم الحثه، 1 - a thing that is extremely or unusually large. "the novel is a 1, 079 page whopper" monster, brute, beast, giant, colossus, ، ...
• با سرعت سرسام آوری • بینهایت سریع • با حداکثر سرعت ممکن INFORMAL an extremely high speed. • "these exciting developments are moving ahead at war ...
خوش تیپ، خوش لباس، spiffy. Something or someone spiffy is fancy or dressed up, like the spiffy red velvet tuxedo you're wearing to your cousin's wed ...
نقطه ضعف، ایراد، نقص A flaw or weak point a weakness, especially in character; a shortcoming. "pride is a terrible failing"
نوکر دست به سینه پاچه خوار Lackey is typically used as a derogatory term for a servant or footman with little or no self - respect who belittles him ...
an arrangement between people to make a regular journey in a single vehicle, typically with each person taking turns to drive the others. "they orga ...
A single - occupancy vehicle ( SOV ) is a privately operated vehicle whose only occupant is the driver.
watch your behavior. be careful what you do
a person or thing that prevents incompatible or antagonistic people or things from coming into contact with or harming each other. "family and frien ...
Shrewd زرنگ ( بار منفی ) حیله گر کلاش فرصت طلب؟؟ skilled at gaining an advantage especially deceitfully.
. a close female friend, or one's best female friend. Misspelling of chica. Hey, that's my chicka. Don't mess with her!
When people blossom, they become more attractive, successful, or confident, and when good feelings or relationships blossom, they develop and become ...
A guess that is insane and stupid https://youtu. be/LRMVIOq - Q40
تیز کردن اشیا، پروراندن استعداد Hone, the verb, literally means to sharpen with a hone, a whetstone used to sharpen cutting tools. Use hone to descr ...
با دقت روی هدف متمرکز شدن و پیش رفتن to find and go directly toward ( someone or something ) The missile was honing in on its target. —usually used ...
ورزش پرتاب وزنه در دومیدانی The shot put is a track and field event involving "putting" a heavy spherical ball—the shot—as far as possible. The shot ...
ورزش دومیدانی Track and field events allow athletes to use their running, jumping and throwing skills to win competitions. Track meets take place on ...
خسته، بی رمق Exhausted, very tired, as in I was all tuckered out after that game
is an English aphorism which suggests that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in th ...
"Setting a bar" or "setting the bar" means making a standard or level that other people or things will have to meet. For example, if you are older ...
Seppuku, sometimes referred to as harakiri, is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment
نهایت لذت را بردن To enjoy to the fullest he was relishing his moment of glory چاشنی، مخلفات a condiment eaten with plain food to add flavor "use ...
Horseshoe Theory says that the far right and far left rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, closely rese ...
نیش و کنایه دار، طعنه آمیز Sometimes snarky comments involve backhanded compliments , Offensive, rude, underhanded sarcastic ironic comments or re ...
This phrase is used in many different ways. Often used in a form of a question. If someone explains something that they might not believe right away, ...
باز کردن ( بویژه در بطری ) 1. ( To open something. especially a bottle or can of drink ) We cracked open a bottle of wine to celebrate finishing ou ...
سخنان حکیمانه و قصار، پند، موعظه، اندرز، An aphorism is a brief saying or phrase that expresses an opinion or makes a statement of wisdom without th ...
مختصر و موجز، روشن و پر مغز ، فصیح و بلیغ، کوتاه و پرمعنا pithy is language or words that are brief, but meaningful and forceful. An example of some ...