پیشنهادهای جلیل جعفری (١,٦٧٢)
From the beginning for a second or subsequent time. پله اول، از اولِ اول، از صفر، دوباره از همان اول. مثال: He doesn't want the hassle all over aga ...
An agricultural labourer bound by the feudal system who was tied to working on their lord's estate. کارگر کشاورز مقید به نظام فئودالی که به کار در ا ...
پالاتشینکه ( جمع: پالاتشینکن ) Palatschinke ( plural palatschinken ) is a thin cr�pe - like variety of pancake of Greco - Roman origin. The dessert ...
A gap in the market is an area that businesses don't currently serve but that there is customer demand for. This could be a new and unique product or ...
The phrase "Get Over It" means to accept something that happened in the past and move on. درز گرفتن موضوع یا ماجرایی که در گذشته رخ داده است، بی خیا ...
Faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state. وفادار به حاکمیت، دولت یا حکومت.
استنتاج ( چیزی ) از داده ها، بیرون آوردن یا توسعه ( چیزی نهفته یا بالقوه ) .
Conjure up. dig into the past. dwell on/dwell upon. educe. elicit. تداعی کردن، زنده کردن گذشته، به فکر فروبردن، در کشیدن از، بیرون کشیدن، برانگیختن. ...
کله خر ( به معنای نترس ) .
الحق و الانصاف.
Offended. آزرده خاطر، ضدحال خورده، کسی که توی ذوقش خورده، لطمه خورده. مثال: His injured pride. ترجمه پیشنهادی: غرور لطمه خورده او.
( informal ) to warn somebody about something that is going to happen or has happened, especially something illegal. کاری یا چیزی غیرقانونی که رخ دا ...
Something that is appalling is awful or horrible, causing dismay or disgust. آدم یا هر چیز ترسناک، وحشتناک یا نفرت انگیز.
In a way that shows that you are thinking carefully and quietly. متفکرانه، آرام، بادقت. مثال: He chewed reflectively. ترجمه تحت اللفظی پیشنهادی: م ...
ادای آمریکایی ها را درآوردن، آمریکایی بازی درآوردن، خود را آمریکایی جا زدن.
برخی از کلماتی که در انگلیس آمریکایی رایج است: Some examples of Americanisms include "restroom" instead of "toilet, " "elevator" instead of "lift, " ...
To embrace someone affectionately or thankfully. به رسم سپاس یا مهربانی دست بر گردن کسی انداختن.
To behave in a silly way, especially in a way that might have dangerous results. احمقانه رفتار کردن؛ به ویژه رفتاری که پیامدهای خطرناکی در پی داشته ...
Fool around ( with somebody ) to have a sexual relationship with another person's partner. با پارتنتر یک نفر دیگر روی هم ریختن/رابطه سکسی داشتن.
Someone who is difficult behaves in an unreasonable and unhelpful way. نامعقول و غیرمنطقی بودن، ضدحال بودن. مثال: I had a feeling you were going to ...
The woman that a person is having a sexual relationship with, but is not married to. دلبرک، نشمه، رفیقه.
1. ( of a person or their manner ) quiet and rather reflective or depressed. از تب و تاب افتاده، دمغ شده، آرام گرفته، فکری شده. 2. ( of colour or l ...
To stop feeling upset, angry, or excited, or to stop someone feeling this way. عصبانی نشو، آرام بگیر.
1. : having a nose running or fouled with nasal mucus. بینی دارای آبریزش. 2. : small and contemptible : snotty. بینی کوچک و بدریخت، مفو.
You can use 'at your service' after your name as a formal way of introducing yourself to someone and saying that you are willing to help them in any ...
high - spirited child. بچه تخم جن
To move around in a busy way or to hurry someone in a particular direction . هول هولکی و با عجله به سمت خاصی رفتن.
1. A snake pit is, in a literal sense, a hole filled with snakes. چاله یا گودال پر از مار و افعی. 2. In idiomatic speech, "snake pits" are places o ...
Can be used when a person is alone and not with anyone else. یک تنه، یکه و تنها، تک و تنها.
پوچ گرایی اخلاقی: نظریه ای فرااخلاقی است که بنابر آن تفاوتی بین درست و نادرست اخلاقی وجود ندارد.
To not be important to someone which of several things is chosen. همه را به یک چوب راندن، علی السویه بودن، فرقی نداشتن. مثال: they were all the sam ...
توی ذوق کسی خوردن، توی ذوق کسی زدن.
You could use it when describing a particular day or moment in time that is particularly meaningful. در چنین روز خاصی: این عبارت برای توصیف روز یا ل ...
No longer under management, direction, or regulation; unmanageable or unruly. افسار گسیخته، مدیریت ناپذیر، سرکش، یاغی، متمرد،
The Catholic Church teaches that it is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission, that its bishops ...
برای رضای خدا، برای خشنودی خدا.
Something that is sacred is believed to be holy and to have a special connection with God. ثواب دارد، مقدس است.
It means you're not the decision maker in the situation being discussed. تو رو سننه، تو کجای پیازی، به تو چی.
پس چی، معلومه.
Lacking any humanizing qualities or influences; dead; mechanical. بی غم از محنت دیگران، بی عاطفه، فاقد ویژگی های انسانی، بی احساس.
A fair for the sale of articles especially for charitable purposes. نمایشگاه و فروشگاه خیریه
Sure as hell ( adverb as in absolutely ) Strongest matches. actually categorically definitely doubtless exactly positively precisely really surely tr ...
رخوت ذهنی
Soiled goods means a used, dirty product, something which is not in new condition any more. It can be dirty or broken or damaged in some way. جنس در ...
A French Letter is a condom. In French, the equivalent term is a Capote Anglaise. کوچه بازاری ( طنز ) : شَق عایِق= شقایق.
Stylish and sophisticated. حرف نداره، با کلاسه، گران، درخور، مناسب، شایسته، سزاوار، باب روز، روزآمد، به روز. مثال: The hotel is classy but relaxed. ...
The words “we're off” Indicate that your travel has started. People usually say these words when they're actually leaving meaning “we have begun”. و ...
It means it's a great day for them or it's a beautiful day outside. روز مَلَسیه، روز بیرون رفتنه، روز گردشه، روز محشریه.