پیشنهادهای تارا جوهری (١٦١)
دو رو ، ریاکار This term describes someone who is deceitful or dishonest, often pretending to be something they are not while secretly acting in a ...
The act of making false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander. تهمت و دروغی که موجب بدنامی گردد Exam ...
Meaning: A sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner or hostage. باج Example Sentence: The kidnappers demanded a ...
A hierarchy is a system or organization in which people or things are ranked one above the other according to status, level, or authority. سلسله مرا ...
Meaning: The unintended consequences or effects of an action, event, or decision, often negative عواقب پیامد ( منفی ) Example Sentences The govern ...
No Stone Unturned Meaning To make every possible effort or try every possible course of action to achieve something. Part of Speech: Idiom Exampl ...
هرچیز که در جستن آنی ، آنی
Unorthodox Astray
گمراه سرگردان به بی راهه رفته Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray
Captivating very attractive مسحور کننده ، مدهوش کننده خیره کننده ، مجذوب کننده
دلربا جذاب
highly skilled, talented, or suitable at something ماهر
مالی Relating to money or financial matters Example : I was made redundant recently as the company experienced pecuniary problems
هم راستا بودن مطابقت داشتن Example : My salary expectations are in line with my qualifications and education
مزد اجرت Example : There are a few companies that can offer adequate remuneration
بازبینی و مرور کل مطلب را نگاه اجمالی انداختن با دقت خواندن
خرده فروشی Opposite : wholesale
refers to any activity expected of someone in joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them Example : T ...
ادامه دادن ول نکردن از دست ندادن
✅past time Free time Beyond expected time
✅Boost Raise to a higher position by pushing from below Elevate = jack up = heft = raise ترقی . بالا بردن . کمک ب بالا رفتن . فزون سازی
تخمین تقریبی
Moved by sexual love Showing sexual desire and love towards someone
Take it personally به دل گرفتن ( حرفی یا کاری )
فصولی بدون اجازه وارد جایی شدن
احظار کردن
In medicine Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome ( IRIS ) is a state of hyperinflammatory response that usually occurs in the first six mon ...
این خط این نشان بهت قول میدم ( که کاری را انجام میدهم ) به حرفم میرسی ببین کی بهت گفتم If you say 'mark my words' to someone, you are emphasizing ...
twist something together or around something پیچاندن . در هم تابیدن . مثل طناب تابیدن در آغوش گرفتن The picture captures the two lovers with their ...
نصیحت موعظه ( especially of a priest or minister in a church ) to give a religious speech: Father Martin preached to the assembled mourners.
پیرو مرید، شاگرد 1 : Meaning a person who believes in the ideas and principles of someone famous and tries to live the way that person does or did ...
Doing something diligently means doing it thoroughly and well. It's the opposite of doing it lazily or shoddily. If you are tireless, persevering, an ...
a feeling of doubt, uncertainty, or worry about a future event: شک تردید عدم اطمینان دل شوره
Factors, especially psychological ones, which interfere with a person's ability to function effectively نقطه ضعف Example : This person has got a lo ...
to cause ( someone ) to think about someone or something in a particular way به نظر رسیدن تصویر ذهنی داشتن یا ایجاد کردن Example : She strikes us a ...
هموار کردن مسیر تسهیل شرایط فراهم کردن شرایط راه را آسان کردن to make it possible or easier for something or someone to follow Ex : The discovery p ...
نهادینه کردن— to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way the person lives:.
گناه کبیره
جوش خوردن با جمع
شهر پراگ پایتخت چک
دسترسی پیدا کردن به کسی Ex : i can't get a hold of the translator
cut off قطع شده ( اندام مثلا ) جدا شده Ex : severed hand
مستبد و سلطه جو مغرور و از خود راضی
Ex : mow the yawn چمن زنی
آمرزش عفو