پیشنهادهای تارا جوهری (١٦١)
تا انتهای کاری رفتن To do something until it is finished; to continue working on ( something ) until it is finished. Synonyms: see out Coordinate te ...
پبشرو پیشگام تکنولوژی پیشرفته
1 به راحتی غالب شدن، از پس اقدام امنیتی یا محدودیت برآمدن Easily overcome or go around a safeguard or limit The ambitious project is set to blow pas ...
خیلی شیک کردن
از بودن در کنارت لذت می برم
تصمیم عجولانه و ناگهانی
سر کشیدن مشروب
گل سینه
That's a fine way to make things harder for the rest of us Curve grading is a technique used in some U. S. schools ( I'm not familiar with other co ...
🔥 Conjure up 🔥 تداعی کردن bring to mind 1. To create or produce something, seemingly magically. Ex : How am I expected to conjure up a meal for s ...
SYN: rule over tyrannically Students prefer teachers who guide, not ones who domineer. تحکم کردن، حکم کردن؛ ( به تحقیر ) تحکم کردن به، حکم راندن ب ...
SYN: tireless Although the effort of taking out the garbage exhausted Wayne for the entire morning, when it came to partying, he was indefatigable. ...
🌠 وقتی می خواهیم بگوییم کسی ذاتاً یک ویژگی را دارد، می توانیم از عبارت "by nature" استفاده کنیم. ⬇️ مثال: 🗯She is kind by nature. او ذاتاً مهربا ...
🟡 Dowdy �/ˈdaʊdi/�� ( adj ) SYN: slovenly; untidy She tried to change her dowdy image by buying a fashionable new wardrobe. نا مرتب؛ کثیف؛ بی ر ...
🟤 Erroneous �/ɪˈrəʊniəs/�� ( adj ) SYN: mistaken; wrong I thought my answer was correct, but it was erroneous. ( رسمی ) مغالطه آمیز، مغلوط، پر ...
تهدید آمیز پر مخاطره رعب آور menacing - threatening, seeming likely to cause you harm or danger. Ex: He looked up at the circle of menacing faces s ...
♻️یک ساختار عالی برای بیان علت وقوع امری ❇️leading cause of . . . ✅علت اصلی . . . 1️⃣Smoking is leading cause of death in many countries سیگار کش ...
✅Go easy on someone به کسی سخت نگرفتن Example : 1️⃣Go easy on me . It"s my first time to do this job. ⏪بهم سخت نگیر اولین بارمه که این کار رو ان ...
همدلی "Sympathy" vs. "empathy. " Both terms relate to how we connect emotionally with others, but they have distinct meanings: Sympathy: - Definit ...
💢 اگر با حرف اضافه of بیاید، منظور رویاهایی است که در ذهن داریم. ▶️ dream of buying a new car. رویای خرید یک ماشین نو 💢 اگر با حرف اضافه about ...
کالوکیشن های واژه ی Considerable 👇🏻👇🏻 🔹considerable amount میزان شایان ذکر / قابل توجه / زیاد 🔸considerable importance اهمیت قابل توجه / فراوا ...
توسری خور بازنده فرد با احتمال پیروزی کم در رقابت person or team in a competition or situation who seems least likely to win
مکان کجا
To affirm the truth or reliability of. ( شخص، رفتار و غیره ) ضامن کسی یا چیزی شدن و یا ضمانت کسی یا چیزی را کردن؛ ( ادعا و غیره ) تایید کردن، گواه ...
توضیح دادن تشکیل شدن
داشتن شغل دوم
مرتبط بودن سنخیت داشتن
همه کاره
You use the term 'Start from Scratch' to indicate that you're beginning from the very start without previous preparation or advantage. Example of use ...
پر شور و هیجان سرزنده جوشان قرص جوشان : effervescent tablet
زخم بستر Bed sore
پر جنب و جوش، زنده، سرزنده “Vibrant energy” refers to a sense of energy that is lively, dynamic, and full of life. It's the kind of energy that make ...
The word “ordeal” refers to a difficult or unpleasant experience that someone goes through. It can be a physical or emotional trial, or a situation t ...
واکنش منفی شدید
learning purely by repetition
To fail a test
قطع رابطه کردن
زود گذر فانی Meaning: Lasting for a very short time. Example: "The beauty of a sunset is often ephemeral, disappearing quickly as night falls. " ...
گذشته ها گذشته "Let bygones be bygones" means to forgive and forget past offenses or conflicts, and not to dwell on things that have already happene ...
سلامت بخش 🌟 Meaning: Good for the health or well - being 🌟 Example: The walk was salutary for her mood