پیشنهادهای تارا جوهری (١٦١)
Meaning: Something good that isn’t recognized at first. Example: Ashok’s losing his job was a blessing in disguise; it gave him an opportunity to p ...
Meaning: To take on a task that is way too big. Example: Our boss bit off more than she could chew when she promised the client we’d have the projec ...
Meaning: A good idea or plan; an excellent new invention. Example: I love your idea. It’s the best thing since sliced bread.
Meaning: Situation wherein one can enjoy two different opportunities. Example: She had the privilege of a professor and freedom of a student. She ha ...
Meaning: Be glad to see someone leave. Example: I never liked her. I’ll be glad to see the back of her.
Meaning: Immediately; without any hesitation Example: Ellie was always ready to go shopping at the drop of a hat.
Meaning: To make a bad situation worse. Example: Their basement was flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen.
کار پردردسر و دشوار Meaning: Something that is difficult or dangerous to deal with. Example: Terrorism is a political hot potato in Afghanistan.
Meaning: Way of asking what someone is thinking. Example: After several minutes of silence he finally looked at her and said, “A penny for your tho ...
ضد شکار غیرقانونی intended to prevent animal poaching ( = the catching and killing of animals without permission )
⭐️Net Positive is an approach that means doing more good than bad. It goes beyond 'doing less harm' and urges businesses to have a positive impact on ...
If someone covers their tracks, they �hide or destroy evidence of their identity or their actions, because they want to keep them secret. اصطلاح cov ...
محدود کننده to control and limit something ۱. The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward. ۲. to limit someon ...
not thinking or worrying about other people or their feelings: بی ملاحظه Our neighbours are very inconsiderate - they're always playing loud music la ...
۱. آدم چند بعدی involving or having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities The article is well rounded and is fair to both sides of the d ...
having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject or things in general کسی که در یک زمینه یا چند زمینه اطلاعات کاملی دارد و خبره اس ...
خود کم بینی شکسته نفسی
خود ستا praising yourself or saying how well you have done something سلف کِن گرَجولِتوری
اصیل و با تربیت خانوادگی 1 coming from a family that has a high social position 2 speaking or behaving in a way that is generally considered correc ...
behaving in a way that is accepted as correct: مودب خوش رفتار a well - behaved child our kids are normally well behaved
having confidence in your own abilities The interview showed her as a self - assured and mature student She moves with self - assured grace
A well adjusted person is reasonable and has good judgment and their behaviour is not difficult or strange: شخصیت متعادل و سازگار
being interested only in oneself so involved with yourself that you do not think about anyone else self - centered خودشیفته Henry is so self - absor ...
Clumsy Awkward
سرنگون کردن to overthrow; to bring an end to a government; to take power away from a political leader *? What toppled the Roman Empire
to use a gun to send bullets into an area where there are many people, without aiming at anyone in particular, but trying to hurt or kill people * ...
گاز اشک آور gas that is sprayed to irritate a person’s eyes, making them red, painful, and tearful ( wet ) The police wore special masks and spray ...
it’s early days yet – a phrase used to show that it is too soon to make a judgment or a decision, and one must wait to see what wil happen * The red ...
to make something stop, or at least to make it calmer and less intense; to minimize or reduce the intensity of something Example : * The army used ...
– to fight against someone; to oppose someone, especially with physical force or violence *Ex : What can the community do to prevent gangs from c ...
معترض اعتصاب کننده a person who is fighting against a social issue, usually by standing in a public area and shouting or singing while holding up sig ...
a period of time when the media ( newspapers, television, magazines, radio, and websites ) are not allowed to discuss or report on a particular topi ...
to gather and assemble, especially to show support for or opposition to something * The university students are rallying against gun violence. تجمع ...
a political leader who has complete or total control and does not consult or listen to others * The best CEOs always ask for others to be involved a ...
to rebel; to fight against; to start a revolution ?Why didn’t the slaves rise up against their owners
🔥extremely important or urgent 🔥crucial فوق العاده مهم، ضروری حتمی اجتناب ناپذیر ، واجب ▶️ It's imperative to act now before the problem gets rea ...
از حد خود تجاوز کردن
Before now, until now, up to the present time; from the beginning to this point. پیش از این We now make available these works which were heretofore ...
extremely important, interesting, or surprising: تکان دهنده شوکه کننده خانمان برانداز مصیبت آور حیرت اور This is hardly earth - shattering news to ...
🌀 forte 🌀 Pronunciation : فورتِی 1. Noun : A strength or talent. Specialty A strong ability, something that a person can do well هنر - جنبه قوی ـ ...
۱. پشتک وارو ( gymnastics ) An act of rotating one's body 360 degrees in the backward direction. The gymnast performed a backflip on a trampoline. ...
🩷۱ توجیه کردن توضیح دادن مسئولیت پذیری برای چیزی پاسخگوی اقدامات بودن عامل چیزی بودن Be responsible ( for deeds ) To explain by relating circumstan ...
♥️reprobate♥️ رِپ رِ بِیت مفسد فی الارض بد اخلاق، فاسد ، هرزه ( شدیدا ) مردود شناختن، ناپسند شمردن، مخالف بودن، خبیث، بدجنس، رذل، ( الهیات ) لعنت ...
♥️Malfeasant♥️ مل فی سِنت بدکار - تخلف ( قانونی ) criminal, evildoer To our suprise, this mayor who is often praised as a honest man is a malfeasant.
چنگال ✅a clutch situation موقعیت خطیر ✅the firm clutch of his hand فشار محکم دست او ✅grasp ( or clutch or catch ) at a straw به هر دری زدن، تلاش مذب ...
مطمین باش خیالت راحت ( تخت ) خاطر جمع باش . اسوده خاطر ✅ be calmed, be certain, no need to worry, go on being sure ✅Used to make someone feel safe o ...
❤️Demented❤️ مجنون، دیوانه پخمه و بی عقل ✅deranged, crazy, insane someone who is demented behaves in a wild or violent way, often because they are ma ...