پیشنهادهای علی جادری (٢٢٤)
a book or film that is extremely successful: It is expected to be the blockbuster movie of the summer.
نوع خاصی از شخصیت که به نظر می رسد یک شخص دارد و اغلب با شخصیت واقعی یا خصوصی او متفاوت است: He had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was ...
:سایز بزرگ لیوان در قهوه فروشی
He was demobilized in March 1946. ( او در مارس 1946 از ارتش خارج شد. ) 2. We were waiting to be demobilized. 3. After the war the soldiers were dem ...
یک سکوی تزئین شده است که یا بر روی وسیله نقلیه ای مانند کامیون ساخته می شود یا از پشت آن بکسل می شود، که جزء بسیاری از رژه های جشن است، مانند رژه های ...
1 - He has parted company with his wife. او از همسرش جدا شد . 2 - I will have to part company with you on this point. 3 - I'm afraid I have to part ...
برخی مثال ها : ( 1 ) No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition. ( 2 ) In debate he was a formidable opponent. ( 3 ) Compe ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. He ate the apple, stalk and all. 2. Ghosts are said to stalk the castle walls. 3. He plucked a stalk of dried fennel. 4. Corn is ...
دعوا کردن در حالی که معمولاً روی زمین غلت می زنید. معمولا فقط یک مبارزه بازی است، شبیه به جنگ توله شیرها برای تفریح. دعوای غیر جدی بین کودکان یک فعا ...
برخی مثال ها 1. It's not difficult once you get the hang of it. 2. It'sa bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it. 3. It's quite easy once y ...
I hit upon a good idea فکر خوبی به سرم زد .
برخی مثال ها 1 - Robert has hit upon an idea that will get us out of our difficulty. یک فکری به سر کسی زدن 2 - We hit upon the idea of writing to th ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. Would you please pay the check into the bank 2. I've lost the check for my bag. 3. I'd like the check, please. ( صورت حساب ) 4. I ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. The Sonics led by only 2 points at intermission. 2. After intermission, the second band played. 3. The violinist resumed playing ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. Watch out! Lee's in a belligerent mood. 2. I am not in the mood to argue. 3. He's always in a bad mood . 4. Hauser was in an exp ...
the allowed period of time has ended. When the time was up, the teacher told the students to put down their pencils and hand in their tests. مدت زما ...
برخی مثال ها : I have a terrific headache. ( 2 ) He was really terrific when I was in trouble. ( 3 ) Darren drove at a terrific speed. ( 4 ) Y ...
برخی مثال ها I keep in touch with my parents by emails. 2. Let's keep in touch with each other. 3. They embraced and wept and promised to keep in ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. Can we get off the subject of death, please? 2. Please can we get off the subject of dieting? 3. Let's get off the subject of work! ...
my bad! تقصیره منه!
برخی مثال ها : 1. Let's get down to work. برگردیم سرکارمون ! 2. I like to get down to work by 9. 3. Stop talking and get down to work. 4. That's e ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. Keep straight on for two miles. 2. Go straight on until you come to a large white building. 3. Keep straight on until you get to ...
برخی مثال ها : 1 - "Was she impressed with our work?" "I'm afraid not. " 2 - "Were you able to get tickets for us?" "No, I'm afraid not. " 3 - "Wil ...
If you say 'It's all the same to me', you mean that you do not care which of several things happens or is chosen. [mainly spoken] برام هیچ فرقی نمیک ...
You're more likely to hear "Do you mean it?" when you're asking if the other person will keep a promise, or follow through on an undertaking to do so ...
برخی نکات 1 - در انگلیسی آمریکایی به جای کلمه ی interval از کلمه ی intermission استفاده می شود. 2 - کلمه ی recess به معنی تعطیلات مجلس است و در زبان ...
برخی مثال ها 1. The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances. به کندی پیش رفتن 3. Call me on my cell if you're running late. اگه د ...
برخی مثال ها : 1 - It was a touching movie. تأثیرگذار 2 - The thought of him touching her filled her with deep loathing. متأثر کردن 3 - Hey, leave of ...
برخی مثال ها : 1. "Too scary for you?" he mocked softly. 2. He looks scary but he's really a gentle giant. 3. The energy crisis is scary. 4. I thi ...
بری مثال ها : 1. Lights off for Earth Hour, count me in. 2. Please count me in on this project. 3. If you're having a party, count me in. 4. When ...
برخی مثال ها : 1 - I'll leave it up to you. به عهده خودت می گذارم 2 - I'll make it up to you, I promise. من قول می دم که به خوت واگذار کنم 3 - It's c ...
برخی مثال ها : 1 - I'll treat you to diner. 2 - "Let's go for ice cream. My treat. " or " I'll treat you . 3 - "Do you want to go bowling? I'll tre ...
برخی مثال ها برای "مسأله ای نیست" , "اشکال نداره" : 1 - No big deal. I'll ask John to play. 2 - It's no big deal . Everybody forgets things sometime ...
برخی مثال ها برای "مرخصی" : 1 - You won't get paid for time off unless you have a doctor's note. 2 - He never takes any time off . 3 - Give yoursel ...
برخی مثال ها برای "نامشخص بودن" و "بلاتکلیف بودن" : 1 - Our travel plans are still up in the air. 2 - Plans for the picnic are still up in the air s ...
برخی مثال ها به عنوان "تحت تأثیر قرارگرفتن" : 1 - We were deeply touched by their present. 2 - I was really touched beyond words. 3 - This unexpect ...
چند مثال : 1 - We've reached the semi - finals. So far so good. 2 - That's the first stage done. so far, so good. 3 - So far, so good, but I haven ...
مترادف : heartbreaking pathetic poignant sad stirring stunning wistful
When people say, "I'll treat you to. . . , " they are making a friendly gesture. Usually they are offering to pay for something, but they may be offe ...
used as an answer to someone who has greeted or insulted you in order to wish the same thing to them: "Have a good holiday!" "Same to you!" ( = I ho ...
در مورد باتری ضعیف شدن معنی می دهد . to lose power or stop working The battery has run down. باتری ضعیف شده .
از موضوعی در گذشتن let's get off the subject ! بیا از این موضوع بگذریم . ول کن این موضوع رو .
When someone or something affects you in a way that you get emotional about it , then it is said that you are moved by it.
a thing that uses up a particular resource. مثل باری بر دوش چیزی یا کسی بودن یا هزینه ای را تحمیل کردن He was a drain on his parents. ( او باری بر د ...
is a legal term used to indicate that a criminal has been caught in the act of committing an offence یک اصطلاح حقوقی است که برای نشان دادن اینکه مجرم ...
Erectile disfuntion or inability to get it up. ( اختلال نعوظ ) اصطلاح SLANG My gampa takes viagra becaue he is Omnipotent. پدربزرگ من از قرص ویاگر ...
A hand, when used to measure the height of a horse, is equivalent to 4 inches. This measurement is commonly used in the equestrian world to describe ...
آه !!! used like “ugh”. . . said as a filler to notfiy distress A: we need to get $500 by friday !!!B: orf
work out به معنای ورزش کردن در باشگاه بدنسازی هم است . I work out every night. یعنی من هر شب در باشگاه بدنسازی , تمرین می کنم . لازم نیست که حتماً a ...