پیشنهادهای حسین کتابدار (١٧,٦٣٠)
◊ مغرور و متکبر بودن ◊ خود را برتر از دیگران دانستن ◊ خواهان خاص و تک بودن این ضرب المثل با ضرب المثل های” از دماغ فیل افتادن ” و “طاقچه بالا گذاش ...
۱ - یعنی اوج توانایی ات در چه حد است. ۲ - اگر بخواهند به کسی مسئولیت خطیری را واگذار کنند، برای سنجیدن آمادگی او این جمله را می گویند. ۳ - حلاج ن ...
۱ - یعنی هر کس کار اشتباهی انجام دهد اثر بد آن را می بیند. ۲ - این ضرب المثل را می توان با آیه ” و من یعمل مثقال ذره شرا یره ” سوره زلزال تطبیق داد ...
۱ - یعنی انقدر در میهمانی خورده است که خیال رفتن ندارد. ۲ - به آدم های راحت طلب و تنبل هم این ضرب المثل را به کار میبرند چون نه تنها فعالیتی نمی کن ...
Extraction refers to the act of removing someone from a dangerous or compromised situation, often covertly. It is commonly used in the context of res ...
A tactic used by spies to manipulate someone into revealing secrets or compromising themselves by using romantic or sexual allure. The honey trap inv ...
Surveillance refers to the act of closely observing someone or something, often for the purpose of gathering information or monitoring their activiti ...
A mole is a spy who has been planted within an organization or group to gather information and report back to their handlers. They often work underco ...
A sleeper is an undercover agent who remains inactive or dormant for a long period of time before being activated. They blend into society and mainta ...
Tripping is a slang term for being under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD or magic mushrooms. It refers to the intense visual and s ...
Dubs is a slang term for twenty dollars, specifically referring to a twenty - dollar bill. The term “dubs” comes from the letter “W, ” which is the R ...
Beans is a slang term for ecstasy, a psychoactive drug that is commonly sold in pill form. The term “beans” comes from the resemblance of the pill to ...
Lucy is a slang term for LSD ( lysergic acid diethylamide ) , a powerful hallucinogenic drug. It is called “Lucy” as a reference to the Beatles song ...
Shrooms is a slang term for magic mushrooms, which contain the hallucinogenic compound psilocybin. They are known for their mind - altering effects a ...
E E is a common slang term for ecstasy, a synthetic psychoactive drug that produces feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and heightened sensations ...
Bud is a slang term for marijuana, a psychoactive drug derived from the Cannabis plant. It is typically smoked or vaporized for its relaxing and euph ...
Smack is a slang term for heroin, a highly addictive opioid drug derived from morphine. It is typically used illicitly and produces a euphoric effect ...
Molly is a slang term commonly used to refer to MDMA, a synthetic psychoactive drug that produces feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and emotion ...
Skag is a slang term often used to refer to heroin, a highly addictive opioid drug derived from morphine. It is typically injected, smoked, or snorte ...
Rock is a slang term commonly used to refer to crack cocaine, a highly addictive form of cocaine that is typically smoked. The term “rock” comes from ...
Hype is a slang term often used to refer to amphetamines, which are stimulant drugs that increase energy and alertness. It can also be used more broa ...
This term is often used to describe someone who is not in a professional or specialized career, but rather in a job that requires minimal skill or ed ...
This phrase refers to a smart or strategic action taken by someone, often in a professional or competitive context. اقدام/حرکت هوشمندانه یا استراتژ ...
A work portfolio is a collection of samples or examples of an individual’s work that showcases their skills, abilities, and accomplishments. It is of ...
۱ - یعنی در موقعیت های بحرانی هم به فکر رسیدن به منافع خودش است. ۲ - این ضرب المثل با مَثل ” از آب گل آلود ماهی می گیرد ” قرابت معنایی دارد؛ هر دو ...
۱ - معنای ظاهری آن یعنی غذا تمام شده ولی معنای کنایی و دور آن یعنی دست خالی و فقیر شدن. ۲ - به ثروتمندانی که پولشان ته کشیده می گویند کفگیرش به ته ...
۱ - وزیران چون به پادشاهان مشورت می دهند درواقع کار ذهنی را خود انجام داده و عمل کردن آن را به پادشاه می سپارند؛ به همین خاطر از عقل خود بیشتر استفاد ...
To acquire or obtain something, often referring to obtaining something illicit or illegal. به دست آوردن یا کسب کردن چیزی، اغلب به به شکل غیر قانونی ...
۱ - اگر در دیزی هم باز باشد گربه باید حیا کند و حمله ور نشود! این ضرب المثل هم به این معناست که اگر به شخصی آسان گیری شد و موقعیت خوبی را برایش فراهم ...
۱ - یعنی آنقدر با یکدیگر دشمن اند که حتی اگر هرکدامشان آبی را بر جویی بریزد آب های هیچ کدامشان از یک مسیر نمی گذرند و این اوج اختلاف را نشان می دهد. ...
۱ - منظور از گربه، آدمی است که از چیزی در زندگی محروم شده و علت نداشتن آن چیز را حریص نبودن خود می داند و روی آن عیب می گذارد. ۲ - یعنی کسی که در ک ...
True G This term combines the idea of being “true” or genuine with the letter “G, ” which stands for “gangster” or “gangsta. ” It refers to someone w ...
This phrase is used to describe someone who is willing to support and defend you in any situation. این عبارت برای توصیف شخصی استفاده می شود که در هر ...
A1 since day 1 This phrase is used to describe someone who has been loyal and supportive from the very start. این عبارت برای توصیف شخصی استفاده می ش ...
White propaganda is a form of propaganda that is openly and officially disseminated by a government, organization, or institution. It is often presen ...
Yellow Journalism refers to a style of reporting that emphasizes sensationalism, exaggeration, and distortion of facts to attract readership. It ofte ...
Jingoism refers to extreme patriotism or nationalism, often accompanied by aggressive and bellicose behavior. It is a term used to describe propagand ...
Indoctrination refers to the process of teaching someone to accept certain beliefs or ideologies without questioning or critically evaluating them. I ...
White - washing refers to the act of distorting or hiding the truth to present a more positive or favorable image. It is often used in the context of ...
PsyOps, short for psychological operations, refers to the use of psychological techniques to influence and manipulate the thoughts, emotions, and beh ...
This slang term is used to describe someone who is always by another person’s side, offering support, assistance, and companionship. اصطلاح عامیانه ...
This slang term is often used in a prison or criminal context to refer to a new inmate. “New fish” implies that the person is vulnerable and inexperi ...
A cub is a term used to describe someone who is new or inexperienced in a particular field or activity. It is often used in reference to someone who ...
A slang term used to describe someone who is new or inexperienced in a particular field or activity. It is often used in a more traditional or old - ...
This is a term used to refer to a rabbit, often in a cute or endearing way. “Bun” is a shortened form of “bunny” and is commonly used in casual conve ...
This term refers to someone who is born in a particular country or region. It is often used to describe individuals who have a deep connection to the ...
This term specifically refers to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, including the United States and Canada. It recognizes the diverse cultures a ...
○ یعنی ارزش و بهای هر کاری را افراد خِبره و دانا در همان کار می دانند. ○ به عبارت ساده تر می توان گفت ارزش هر چیزی را هر کس در حوزه کاری و فعالیت خ ...
■ ایجاد شرایط سخت و سنگین برای ترساندن طرف مقابل برای قبول کردن شرایط دلخواه خود. ■ مفهوم کلی سخت گرفتن مصلحتی برای قبولاندن شرایط جدید با درجه سخت ...
۱ - آواز دهل همان داشته های پوچ دیگران است که ما تنها فریب تعریف و تمجیدهای اطرافیان از آن را می خوریم ولی نزدیکتر که می شویم، چیز با ارزشی را نمی بی ...