پیشنهادهای Milkyway200 (١٨٩)
Someone who always pick up food & some foods from his plate مثلا کسی که سیر توغذا دوست نداره و موقعیکه بشقاب جلوش میاد شروع میکنه به جداکردن سیراش😁
چیزی به ذهن رسیدن یه فکری جرقه زدن
Doesn't it strike you as a little odd? به نظرت یکم عجیب به نظر نمیرسه مترادفseem to you
Handsome in a way, masculine, powerful یجورایی خوش هیکل
Cultural norms هنجارهای فرهنگی a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like. Stereotypes are often ( tahlilgaran ) unfair or ...
I'm going to get my eyelids fixed. done=improved=changed to look better with surgery میخوام پلک چشمام رو عمل کنم. ( Impact values )
When the world trade center stood in NYC before terrorists hijacked airliners & crashed the jets into two towers on September 11. 2001 معنیstoodاینجا ...
is a bill that �healthcare� providers submit to a patient's insurance provider. This bill contains unique� medical� codes detailing the care adminis ...
خیلی زیاد A mass murder committed by the civil group in the country.
بمباران اتمی
قطع عضو
رشته کوه آند
سرگین گردان
Flip=turn over
صخره های روبروی دریا
قسمت بخش
ترشرویی لجوج فک کنم سگ اخلاق هم بشه🥴
قاپیدن Grab=grasp
To bend your body forward & down
To make someone feel annoyed or shocked
لغزش جوانی
کتری مسی
A disease existing in a very small area بیماری بوم گیر
To frighten somebody in a bad way To shock somebody so badly
تلپ شدن خونه ی کسی
Sleep over خواب موندن
کودن بی اعتنا به اصول قرنطینه شخص احتکارکننده
به زمین افکندن، انداختن Every man should hew down a leafy bough so that they can make a home in the forest
به زمین افکندن، انداختن
درخواست کمک The commander beg King's help in placing someone else on the throne فرمانده ازپادشاه درخواست کمک کرد تاکسی دیگر رابرتخت پادشاهی بنشاند
The man was on his way for a matter of business. برای یه کار تجاری
سرزدن به کسی =visit= see
تابه نظر برسه که. . . She placed the daggers in the hands of the guardians to make it appear as if they were who killed the king.
:Firmer will The king left the matter to her firmer will to puzzle out. اراده ی راسخ، قاطع
Our war with this country has yet to begine. جنگ مابااین کشور هنوز شروع نشده
Leave the matter to her and she will solve it بهش بسپر موضوع رو . خودش حلش میکنه
گزارش کاملی ارائه دادن
The king welcomed them پادشاه ازشون استقبال کرد
The idea of becoming a king was taking shape in his mind ایده ی پادشاهی در ذهنش درحال شکل گرفتن بود
His title and estate were conferred on her لقب واملاک وی به اواعطامیشود
نجیب زاده
Ocean �dumping �is the deliberate disposal of hazardous wastes at� sea �from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other human—made structures. It includes ...
چشم بصیرت
Beat the crap out of someone ( slang, vulgar ) To� beat� really badly ) خیلی بد کسیو زدن That bastard murder!we will beat the crap out of him