پیشنهادهای Eliz👩🏽⚖️ (٢٠٠)
گوش دادنش چه ضرری داره؟
not your business به شما مربوط نیست.
تو من رو بازی دادی . When someone promise you that they're going to do something that they promised and they don't
وقفه - فاصله - تنفس برای مثال: . The court announced the interval due to a lack of some information in the case
تقبل کردن to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it برای مثال: . Bombings have been undertaken by the Taliban in the ...
مورد اهانت واقع شدن مثلا: . I felt insulted by the way she spoke to me in front of my colleagues
feel insulted به معنی: مورد اهانت واقع شدن مثلا: . I felt insulted by the way she spoke to me in front of my colleagues
توصیف . His description of the scene was vivid and detailed
جدی می فرمائید؟
سر عقل آمدن . He finally came around to take part in his son’s wedding despite the whole argument به رغم همه مشاجرات او بالاخره سر عقل آمد که در عروس ...
In my country, a person who has achieved good educational qualifications, financial stability, and good family ties is generally considered successful
In my country, a person who has achieved good educational qualifications, financial stability, and has good family ties is generally considered . su ...
اعتماد کردن - تکیه کردن مثلا: . I always rely on my sister's opinion when it comes to shopping
مسئولیت مدنی Civic responsibility involves being an active and engaged member of society, contributing to the community through volunteerism, voting ...
The economic climate refers to the overall state of the economy in a particular region or country. It includes factors such as interest rates, inflat ...
نقطه ضعف ( weak spot - soft spot ) نقطه مقابلش ( نقطه قوت:strong suit )
نقطه ضعف معادل کلمه: weak spot
trade تجارت
to end up to conclusion to summrize
درآمد متغییر مخالف steady income
A steady income is a regular, reliable source of money that you receive consistently, such as from a job, investment, or other recurring payments. د ...
. Interest income is money that you earn on your savings, investments, or other financial assets سود بهره
تجلی تقریبا معادل کلمه indication برای مثال: . The team's success was a manifestation of their hard work
reliable معتمد
Telling someone about your personal information and problems or issues without considering their level of comfort or interest ( یک اشتباه رفتاری در ...
the feeling of having a negative opinion of someone or something عدم رضایت و خوشنودی مثلا: The bride's father showed disapproval during the wedding
. a crowded place that provides entertainment and things to buy for tourists, often at high prices تله گردشگری ( مثلا مکان هایی که خدمات تفریحی و گرد ...
روابط سیاسی political relation or interaction . The political ties between the two countries are not good
مستقر شدن . After a long career in finance, John decided to settle down in a small town in the countryside to enjoy his retirement
مردد بودن بین دو چیز . She’s torn between her loyalty and her desire to tell the truth
self confidant self esteem عزت نفس
in the end سرانجام . The team eventually found the solution after many hours of brainstorming
زراعت کردن توسعه کسب و کار و یکی دیگه از معانیش که دوستان اشاره نکردن: توسعه رابطه دوستانه ( to make an effort to develop a friendly relationship w ...
to control and use بهره برداری کردن
به صورت اجمالی . The presentation was based on key points outlined in the agenda
اعمال - اجرا . The implementation of the policy was met with resistance from some members of the community
اجرایی کردن - پیاده سازی کردن ( to put plan and take action ) مثال: . The company decided to implement a new sales strategy to increase revenue
completely removes it تخلیه کردن
to have good judgment and be able to make good decisions یه اصلاح هست به معنی : تو خیلی عاقل و باهوشی
to think of or represent someone or something as better than that person or thing really is بی نقص نشان دادن - آرمانی کردن
تصدیق the act or process of making something officially or legally acceptable
probably احتمالا
to encourage the development پیشرفت دادن
My loneliness ain't killing me no more محاوره is not و are not