پیشنهادهای schv (١٤٨)
?Can I swap out the pickles for some tomatoe
I had gotten the date of the exam mixed up =muddled up
I'm against those who think "wedlock is a padlock" قفل
I was always a prize student but not a teacher's pet
Level headed خونسرد
پیش رفتن، معلوم شدن، مشخص شدن، . . I expect all thing will turn out well انتظاردارم همه چیز خوب پیش برود.
Chill out, relax I do need rest and recreation to let my hair down.
جلسه محاوره ومرور
Our expectations of others is what cause us the most grief
One of the frailties of human beings is laziness
the best religion is humanity
I'll let you know right away فورا به شما اطلاع میدم، خبرمیدهم.
. It comes with a 2 year guarantee
I don't really have a lot of hobbies or interests besides sports علاوه بر، به جز
Insulting توهین آمیز، زننده
=evidently, apparently It had obviously rained
adolescents are especially susceptible to the influence of their friends درمعرضِ، مستعد، حساس، آسیب پذیر
. . . whether larg or small Whether بهمراه or:چه، خواه این باشدیا آن باشد.
Related to the concept of finding a niche is the importance of maintaiming a competitive edge.
It projects the cash flow that will help the business stay afloat. :estimate:تخمین زدن، برآورد کردن
The positive side of this , however , is that it may actually be an indication that the movement is gaining in popularity. نشان ، نشانه، اشاره
Perhaps in part because of the growing interest in ecotourism, some cruise companies are now making an effort to be more environmentally friendly. ت ...
Example:some followers take the concept even further . . . حتی فراتر بردن:take even further
Example:over the past couple of decades طی دو دهه گذشته
I don't know=
They noticed that the contract was flawed Flaw:defectنقص، ایراد Flawed:ناقص، معیوب، دارای عیب
The experiments shed no new information on the cause of the disease =give out بیرون دادن یا منتشرکردن نتیجه =discardول کردن ، دور انداختن. . .
Just after the storm, downed trees obstructed many roads in the community. =block, hamper
Brilliant, bright
Self assertiveness ابرازوجود
The importance of test will sometimes intensify the nervousness of the students. anxiety
Enhancement The discovery of oil was an enrichment of the country.
Perfect, purify
Celebrated Renowned
Scientists test the drug in animals and look at whether it has any toxic by - products در پزشکی:پیامدجانبی، اثرجانبی
For example:neither participants nor researchers know which drug an individual is receiving until the trial is completed
Fraction, part, section بخش، قسمت
The transportation expenses of products increase the final cost of the item. جنس ، کالا
The results of the study mirror public opinion. Mirror:to show, reflect
Some people cannot distinguish colors well تشخیص دادن، تمیزکردن Discern/discriminate
No applications were excluded from the tunnel. Remove
Free of عاری از، بدون، . .
I would appreciate if you could give me some advice on how to ace a job interview
Visibly به وضوح
Rigid:سفت وسخت، سختگیر وجدی The teacher was very rigid in his ideas about class attendance
. Don't sweat the small stuff
It can be validly argued that به درستی ، می توان استدلال کردکه. . .