پیشنهادهای ابوالفضل عشقی (٦٥٦)
Securities that are difficult to sell or value due to their unusual characteristics or the lack of an active market for them.
گل سرسبد
An expression used to describe an object that is better than all of the other ones in it's category.
عذاب وجدان داشتن
خنگ خدا
عین آدم رفتار نکردن
Used to express pain or shock.
چسب حرارتی
A particular speech style characteristic of homosexual male characters.
فوق العاده unrelenting imaginative: فوق العاده خیال انگیز
An official selection is any film that was submitted to the festival, was accepted by the appropriate pre - screening committee, and paid the entry f ...
وعده گاه
طبق فرهنگ وبستر: . A central meeting place . A crucial point especially where a decision must be made
فرهنگ آکسفورد: . Behave in a fair or honourable way; abide by the rules فرهنگ کالینز: To do things in the accepted way or in the way that you are to ...
استقلال طلبی
بازاریابی در بستر شبکه های اجتماعی
جلب مشتریان بزرگ تر و بهتر برای کسب وکارهای کوچک و نوپا
آمرزیده: . Having asked God to forgive one's sins
( طبق فرهنگ وبستر ) کنار گذاشتن: . To remove ( people or things that are not wanted ) from a group
سوت کشیدن قطار
استراحت مطلق
absolute repose
طبق فرهنگ وبستر: . Having official power to make important decisions
. To persuade ( someone ) to act differently
دیگر معانی این واژه در فرهنگ وبستر: 1. An athletic competition or race 2. A usually public presentation or appearance ( as in a particular role ) 3 ...
On a hot streak: روی دور پیروزی افتادن
If you have something going for you, or if something has something going for it, there are certain advantages that will make the end result successfu ...
پذیرش اجتماعی
دوآتشه مثال: Earnest fan
حقوق ( مترادف با maintain your innocence ) : . To say that you are not guilty
حقوق ( مترادف با protest your innocence ) : . To say that you are not guilty
تعریف این عبارت در مقدمۀ کتاب The Secrets Behind Subtle Psychology: You know why most people have a tendency to not get people to do what they want a ...
معنای فرهنگ کمبریج: An area or strip of land that no one owns or controls, such as a strip of land between two countries' borders, especially in a wa ...
نبرد سنگر به سنگر
فرهنگ وبستر: In or into a situation or position in which one attacks or fights against someone or something فرهنگ آکسفورد: . Act or be ready to act ...
( عامیانه ) : تو کف کسی بودن، روی مخ بودن کسی
طبق فرهنگ کمبریج: بالاترین میزان یا سطحی که چیزی به آن رسیده است. مثال: . The Dow Jones index closed at a record high on Monday
زوال ( افول ) دموکراتیک
کشورهای عضو سازمان های سیاسی، اقتصادی، بازرگانی و. . . خاص مانند سازمان اتحادیهٔ اروپا را گویند.
( داستان نویسی ) : پرداخت صحنه
مهارت افزایی
در زمینۀ مدیریت: Nowadays, taking ownership means more than being responsible and accountable. Ownership means being resolute, solving problems, with ...
( در دنیای کسب و کار ) : Small and Midsize Business
پرشور و حرارت
☑️ واژۀ سال 2022 به انتخاب فرهنگ وبستر: https://www. merriam - webster. com/words - at - play/word - of - the - year
طبق فرهنگ وبستر: . To use one's time and effort to help others مثال: . They freely gave of their time when their help was needed
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