The story opens on a note of domestic lyricism با تشکر
ترجمه ی When the Stammer Came to Stay برای عنوان یک کتاب چی میشه؟
"از آنجایی که همه ما گاهی در زندگی عصبانی میشویم، روانشناسان برنامههای آموزشی را طراحی کردهاند که به افراد کمک میکنند تا به شیوه موثرتری با خشم خود مقابله کنند. یکی از مهارتهای مقابله با خشم خودآ ...
A professor at Cambridge University developed a personality quiz for Facebook users in 2014 that collected data from more than 270,000 people and created “ personality scores ” that were used to study voter behaviors. He then sold the data to Cambridge Analytica, a British consulting firm.
معنی کلمه در Supreme Court scrutinizes risk disclosures in Facebook, Cambridge Analytica class-action lawsuit چی میشه؟ باتشکر
در جمله ی: but for those who have accepted its nonreferential languages there is no doubt as to its value and achievements.
معنی عبارت forward looking statements چی میشه باتشکر
Ahsan Wagah THE MEDITATION Birds were twittering, the wind was blowing and the water was drifting. With his feet hanging in the water, he was listening to his inner voice at the stream. ...
در متن Birds were twittering, the wind was blowing and the water was drifting. With his feet hanging in the water, he was listening to his inner voice at the stream. In this set up of authority and supervision , he did not have any domain. So, here, in the isolation of a jungle, he was enjoying the use of authority over the water, over grass, leaves and air.
ترجمه این جمله برای یک داستان. He kept on whiling away the time. Suddenly he had this pleasant feeling that he had escaped having to decide about the time, which has its own interesting phenomena.
"I am from the remainders of Dravidians and not from those of the Oads". تشکر
This Is Life in America’s Water-Inequality Capital.
معادل فارسی عبارت first in line, first in right چیست؟
first in line, first in right معادل فارسی این اصطلاح چی میشه؟ که حالت قافیه دار بودنش هم حفظ بشه