improperimproper conicimproper convergent integralimproper divergentimproper divergent integralimproper faceimproper fractionimproper functionimproper integralimproper integral of the first kindimproper integral of the second kindimproper intergralimproper matriximproper pointimproper rationalimproper riemann integralimproper subgroupimproveimproved euler methodimprovementimproving basic feasible solutionsimproving bounded variablesimpulseimpulse functionimpureimpurityimputed priceinin a momentin a rowin accord within accordance within additionin addition toin advancein agreement within all three casesin any sensein bowl toolingin cashin certain casesin commonin computingin conditioned nitial value problemin connection within contrast toin controlin detailin doing soin effect