پیشنهادهای حسین کتابدار (١٦,٠٤٠)
To unexpectedly receive a large amount of money or financial gain. “Windfall” refers to a sudden and unexpected fortune or financial gain. دریافت کر ...
از آن نترس که های و هوی دارد از آن بترس که سر به تو دارد ۱ - یعنی از آن که همیشه سر و صدا دارد و به شلوغ بودن معروف است، نترس بلکه از کسی بترس که آرا ...
۱ - به کسی می گویند که وقتی سخن می گوید معلوم می شود که سواد زیادی ندارد بلکه ادعای با سوادی می کند. “ تا مرد سخن نگفته باشد، عیب و هنرش نهفته باشد” ...
This slang term is used to refer to a close friend or someone who is like family. It is a playful way to show affection and camaraderie with someone. ...
This term describes someone who is friendly, approachable, and easy to talk to. It suggests a person who is pleasant and enjoyable to be around. این ...
This phrase is used to indicate that something is being added or included. این عبارت برای نشان دادن اینکه چیزی در حال افزودن یا اضافه شدن است استفاد ...
Pizzazz is a term used to describe someone who has a lively and energetic presence. It often refers to someone who stands out or has a unique style. ...
The “it factor” refers to a quality or combination of qualities that make someone stand out from the crowd. It is often associated with a magnetic or ...
Presence refers to a person’s ability to command attention and influence others. It is the aura or energy that someone exudes, making them stand out ...
Mojo refers to a person’s personal power or charm that allows them to have a strong presence or influence over others. It is often associated with co ...
To offer support or motivation to someone. حمایت کردن یا دادن انگیزه به کسی. For example, a coach might say, “I’m here to give you a boost and hel ...
This slang phrase means to give or distribute something, often without much thought or consideration. It can also imply giving criticism or punishmen ...
To offer something willingly or voluntarily. It can also imply making a sacrifice or giving something up. ارائه کردن چیزی به میل یا داوطلبانه. همچنی ...
To fork over means to give something, usually money, reluctantly or under pressure. دادن چیزی، معمولاً پول، با اکراه یا تحت فشار . For example, if ...
"No Bullsh*t" or "no nonsense. " This phrase is used to indicate that someone is being straightforward, honest, and not trying to deceive or manipul ...
This phrase is used to describe someone who is completely focused and serious about a task or situation. It is often used to convey a sense of determ ...
This phrase is used to indicate that what follows is a sincere or serious statement. It is often used to express a genuine opinion or provide straigh ...
When someone is “hot under the collar, ” it means they are feeling sexually aroused or excited. This phrase is often used to describe a person who is ...
This phrase is used to indicate a desire or inclination for sexual activity. It suggests being mentally and emotionally prepared for intimacy. تمای ...
This term refers to someone who prefers to do things alone or independently. It implies a sense of self - sufficiency and individuality. صفت، قید/ ب ...
A luminary is someone who is highly respected and influential in their field. They are often seen as experts or authorities, and their opinions and a ...
The chief of staff is the highest - ranking member of a group or organization who manages the day - to - day operations and acts as the main advisor ...
This term is used to describe someone who holds a high - ranking or influential position, especially in a government or bureaucratic setting. It is d ...
This term is used to describe someone who is an influential or important person, especially in a particular field or industry. It can also refer to a ...
the act of identifying or accusing someone of committing a crime. In this context, "finger" is used as a verb, and it means to identify or accuse som ...
a way of dealing with crime that emphasizes taking responsibility for the effect of your crime on others, and trying to do something that makes thing ...
This term is used to describe someone who holds a high position of power or authority. It is often used sarcastically or humorously. شخصی که دارای ...
When something is described as “no put - on, ” it means that it is genuine and sincere, without any pretense or fakeness. وقتی چیزی به عنوان "no put ...
Similar to “no fake, ” this phrase emphasizes that something or someone is not deceptive or dishonest. It highlights the authenticity and genuineness ...
۱ - کنایه از رشوه دادن به کسی است. ۲ - یعنی برای کسی چاپلوسی می کند تا کارش را راه بیندازد. ریشه ضرب المثل در دوران صفویه، بیشتر مردها سبیل های ک ...
۱ - یعنی دنبال دردسر می گردد. یا از جانش سیر شده است. ۲ - به کسی می گویند که دیگران را تحریک می کند و دعوا راه می اندازد. مثلا کسی را مسخره می کند ...
This slang term is used to describe someone who is extremely excited or intoxicated. It can refer to a person who is having a great time at a party o ...
This phrase means to be watchful and attentive in order to notice or find someone or something that is being pursued or sought after. مراقب بودن و ...
This slang term refers to someone who is considered to be foolish, stupid, or clueless. It is often used to describe someone who lacks intelligence o ...
This term is used to describe someone who is clumsy, foolish, or makes silly mistakes. It is often used in a playful or lighthearted manner. شخص دس ...
This slang term is used to describe someone who is considered foolish, gullible, or easily deceived. It is often used in a slightly derogatory manner ...
This term is used to describe someone who is foolish, unintelligent, or lacking common sense. It is often used in a playful or lighthearted manner. ...
A “radge” is someone who is aggressive, angry, or prone to outbursts of rage. It is often used to describe someone who loses control of their emotion ...
An “ocker” refers to someone who is loud, brash, and obnoxious. It is often used to describe someone who behaves in a boisterous or uncultured manner ...
This term is used to describe someone who is boring or lacks excitement. It suggests that the person has nothing interesting to offer or contribute. ...
فکر نان کن که خربزه آب است ۱ - یعنی به جای اینکه به امور بیهوده فکر کنی، کارهای ارزشمند انجام بده که در آخر پشیمان نشوی. ۲ - به کسی می گویند که سود ...
ستاره سهیل بعد از ستاره شباهنگ، پرنور ترین ستاره در آسمان شب است. اما این ستاره در مدارهای شمالی دیده نمی شود. بلکه برای دیدنش باید به مناطقی با عرض ...
۱ - یعنی انقدر مغرور و متکبر است که حتی اصل و نسب خویش را هم فراموش می کند. ۲ - این ضرب المثل را برای کسانی به کار می برند که خود را بیش از حد بزرگ ...
An expression of frustration or annoyance, similar to “darn it” or “damn it”. It is a toned - down way of expressing frustration without using explic ...
This term is used as an expression of frustration or annoyance. این اصطلاح به عنوان بیان ناامیدی یا دلخوری استفاده می شود. لعنتی “Rats! I forgot my ...
This phrase is used to express overwhelming frustration, disbelief, or astonishment at something. این عبارت برای بیان ناامیدی، ناباوری یا حیرت شدید ...
This phrase refers to someone who is highly capable and agile, similar to the abilities of a cat. It implies that the person can handle various tasks ...
This phrase refers to something that is officially finished or completed and has been documented or recorded. به چیزی اطلاق می شود که رسماً تمام یا ...
The phrase "put the final nail in the coffin" is an idiom that means to do something that causes the failure of something that was already in a state ...
This phrase is often used to describe the act of finishing or completing something in a tidy or organized way. عمل به پایان رساندن یا کامل کردن چیز ...