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In pre-Christian days Odin, in his double character as Wind-god and leader of disernbodied spirits, rushing through the air on his famous Seed Sleipnir , was often spoken of as “the Wild Huntsman”.  برگردان   Seed Sleipnir  را بفرمایید. سپاس

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Aymon's sons, finding themselves again at the mercy of the Emperor, purchased his forgiveness by handing to him the demon horse to be put to death. 

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The new ambassador, disdaining the ordinary methods of transport available to mortals, by means of his occult knowledge and magical powers evoked a fiend in the shape of a huge black horse.  برگردان متن بالا رو بی زحمت بفرمایید. البته بیشتر مفهوم جمله اول رو متوجه نشدم.

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Fair steed , fair steed, as white and free; And spirits from all the lake's deep bowers  Glide o'er the blue wave scattering flowers, Fair steed, around my love and thee.

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with the first young glance of spring ممنون میشم عبارت رو به فارسی برگردونید

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Of all the proud steeds that ever bare  Young plumed chiefs on sea or shore,

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Fair lake, fair lake, thou'rt dear to me ; For when the last April sun grows dim,   مفهوم عبارت  the last April sun grows dim ا متوجه نشدم.  ممنون میشم بفرمایید. متن از شعر توماس مور گرفته شده.

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The following poem by Thomas Moore shows how large a part of the maiden's heart was given to the ghostly steed.  It seems to dominate her fancy almost as much as the hero himself. من مفهوم heart  و  مرجع  It seems  را درک نمیکنم. خواهش میکنم ترجمه رو بفرمائید

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The girl's mind became so possessed by the idea of this visionary chieftain and his snowy steed.  بیشتر  میخوام بدونم the idea را در متن چگونه تعبیر و ترجمه کنم سپاس از  نطرات ازشمند شما

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The memory of the ghostly procession haunted John to his death some twenty five years later.  ایا ترجه زیر درست هست: خاطره صفوف شبح‌آمیز مرگ جان را تا بیست و پنج سال بعددر ذهنش خطور می کرد.

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but his rule always was to get a double portion on Saturdays that the Sabbath might not be broken.  اما قانون او همیشه این بود که روز شنبه یک سهم مضاعف می گرفت تا روز نیایش روز شنبه شکسته نشود.   ممنون میشم مفهوم عبارت  the Sabbath might not be broken. در جمله بالا رو بفرمایید.

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John used to fetch their liquid refreshment from evening the “ Bell ”every evening,.  در این عبارتliquid refreshment و    Bell به چه مفهومی است.  بی زحمت برگردان جمله رو بفرمایید . 

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their supper usually consisted of dry bread and cheese with some beer helps it down. آیا میتوان اینچنین ترجمه کرد: شامشان معمولاً شامل نان خشک و پنیر همراه با مقداری آبجو بود که به بلعیدن نان خشک کمک می­کرد. بی زحمت برگردان دقیق رو بفرمایید

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The Persian Messiah, Sosiosh, is also to come seated on a horse, and the Pralaya , or period of cosmic rest , is to follow his arrival.  برگردان متن بالا و مفهوم    Pralaya  و  period of cosmic of rest ممنون میشم بفرمایید. با احترام

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Nine times hath suffering Mercy spared in vain- But Heaven shall burst her starry gates again   برگردان متن بالا به فارسی، البته بیشتر  suffering Mercy spared in vain رو میخوام متوجه بشم. با سپاس از راهنمایی همه ی شما بزرگواران

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Nine times hath Guilt, through all his giant frame, Convulsive trembled, as the Mighty came; خواهش میکنم برگردان شعر با سپاس فراوان

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The poet Campbell (apparently confusing the second person of the Trinity and the first) writes:  مهرورزی بفرمائید درباره Campbell توضیحی کوتاه بفرستید. سپاس

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Nor is it to be until the close of the fourth or Kali age , when the world has become wholly depraved. مفهوم  عصر کالی را میخوام بدونم ممنون میشم راهنمایی بفرمایید. با ارادت

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In the great victory gained by Mohammed at Beder, he was stated to have been assisted by three thousand angels, led by Gabriel, who was mounted on his horse, Hiazum.   خواهش میکنم برگردان فارسی متن و بیشتر برگردان  Hiazum را میخوام بدونم. با سپاس

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its fortunate companions in this privilege being Al Adha, the prophet's camel, Dalaam's ass, Tobit's dog, and Ketmir, the dog of the seven sleepers. خواهش میکنم برگردان نام های خاص رو به فارسی بفرمایید.

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Al Adha, the prophet's camel, Dalaam's ass, Tobit's dog, and Ketmir, the dog of  the seven sleepers,  Al Borak. برگردان متن و نام های خاص رو بی زحمت بفرمایید. ایا  seven sleepers  به اصحاب کهف بر میگرده و همچنین بقیه موارد توضیحی کوتاه میخوام. سپاس فراوان

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He saw an infinite army of soldiers on white horses, with white arms and vestments. درود مفهوم arms در اینجا  چیه؟ آیا white  هم به arms  و هم  به  vestmentd برمیگرده؟ با سپاس

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"On that night, says Giovanni Villani, a hermit being at prayer in his hermitage above Vallombrosa, heard a furious trampling as of many horses ; and crossing himself, and hurrying to the wicket, saw ...

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Rogers, in his Italy, describes a most extraordinary deluge, accompanied by signs and prodigies," which took place early in the fourth century.  راجر اینجا اسم خاص هست؟   اینجا Italy چی ترجمه بشه؟ با ارادت

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Not alone the British Army had these glimpses of heavenly leaders.  مفهوم  not alone  و glimpses  را  نمیشم. بی زحمت برگردان بفرمایید. سپپاس

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To take one more instance of our national champion's appearance on horseback, which is all the more remarkable because it was the foe who saw the vision and because the saint was accompanied by bowmen ...

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a vision appeared to himself and others hen fighting against fearful odds at Mons. با ارادت

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it would not have seemed strange if the forces of evil it loosed had entirely blotted out things spiritual from mortal view.    برگردان و مفهوم عبارت بالا رو بی زحمت بفرمائید. با ارادت

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برگردان این متن به فارسی:  it would not have seemed strange if the forces of evil it loosed had entirely blotted out things spiritual from mortal view.   با سپاس

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It was the " glorious apostle James, the bulwark and safety of our nation," says Pizazzo  y Orellana,   توضیحی کوتاه درباره این شخصیت :   Pizazzo  y Orellana

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ترجمه متن زیر: It was the " glorious apostle James, the bulwark and safety of our nation," says Pizazzo  y Orellana,  though Cortés supposed it was his own" tutelar saint St. Peter," but the comnmon and indubitable opinion" was that St. James was the figure who so opportunely  arrived to save the day.  معنی عبرت و توضیحی درباره شخصیت Pizazzo  y Orellana بفرمایید. 

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توضیحی کوتاه درباره این دو مکان یا دو شخصیت رو میخوام. ممنون میشم راهنمایی بفرمائید:   " San Jago !" and " San Pedro !"

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the foe's sheer weight of numbers  was sufficient to crush his small force. بی زحمت برگردان عبارت و همچنین اصطلاح   sheer weight  رو بفرمایید.   با ارادت و احترام.

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This world seem to be the case of our Highland rider. ممنون میشم عبارت رو برگردان کنید.

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ردان عبارت زیر :  Mommsen says that this legend " bears a stamp thoroughly un-Roman, and was beyond doubt at a very early period modelled on the appearance of the Dioscuri -similar down to its very details- in the famous battle fought about a century before between the Crotoniates and Locrians at the river Sagras."    بی نهایت ممنون میشم. با ارادت

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در شعر  "Lays of Ancient Rome"  اثر توماس مکولی (Thomas Macaulay)  ،  The day is ours  را برگردان فارسی اون رو بفرمایید. سپاس فراوان.  And some ran north, and some ran south, Crying, The day is ours 

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Hail to the hill-tops seven! برگردان متن بالا رو بی زحمت بفرمایید.