پیشنهادهای Ali noroozy shadmand (٥٠)
Making you sick Sickening
هم به معنای بمبی میشه که خیلی قدرت تخریبش بالاست ( a bomb that is very powerful ) A blockbuster exploded and killed 1000 people و هم به معنای به فیل ...
1_پس از کسی به سمتی منصوب شدن 2_موفق شدن
A person who's pays attention to students while examing
سرانجام , بالاخره , در نهایت At the end , finally Eventually, he accepted my offer بالاخره تعارف من را قبول کرد
اصلا ، ابدا ، به هیچ وجه ( never ) Would you break into your house if you didn't have your key? No way, I'd ask a neighbor for help
Cars are waiting in a line because the road has blocked or there is a traffic jam
A really heavy traffic or a traffic jam when cars are really close 🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗
ثبت نام ، ثبت اطلاعات ، نام نویسی
A small refrigerator
So that no one's rights are lost
مجلل، شیک smart, stylish, fashionable, pretty, ritzy, a la mode, chic, dapper, de rigueur, dressy, mod, natty, rakish, sleek, spruce, style, swinger, ...
The money you give for something from before ( بیعانه ) I payed so much money for deposit
1_چرخ و فلک ( a kind of merry go round ) Kid have a lot of fun using carousel 2_تسمه نقاله ( something that is used for moving things ) Your bags a ...
نکات چکیده و مختصر و مفید
فیلم برداری و عکس برداری art of making movies
A bridge for passengers
A gate that connects the airport to the airplane
تابلویی که زمان ورود و خروج هواپیماها به فرودگاه را نشان می دهد
یک معبد مشهور و قدیمی
Very bad and upleasant نامطبوع مثال:یک جراحت نامطبوع A nasty injury
کاملا به طور کامل به نحو احسن In a very careful and complete way
جراحت زخم An area of damage done to your body
یک معرفی نامه برای رزومه ی کاری و یک نامه که توضیحات تکمیلی را شامل می شود
Brittle If an object is fragile it breaks easily
چنگ زدن Grasp To attack somebody or something with your nails
It has lots of meanings: Thinks you have The stock in stock breaking mall Water with the addad flavour of meat fish or vegetables. Sling the gun An ...
غذایی متشکل از غلات ( که با شیر مخلوط و برای صبحانه مصرف می شود.
خروپق کردن در خواب یا نفس کشیدن با صدای بلند Making loud noise during sleep
احمقانه دیوانه وار سرسام آور Foolish, mad, stupid
متضاد دغل بااز صادق در بازی
دوره هزار ساله سلطنت مسیح
Interactive noun
Interactive verb
Easy peasy lemon squeey Easy peasy like a beasy خیلی خیلی راحت
A wagon Wich peaple can eat in that
Come into car سوار شو _ بپر بالا مثال: Passenger:are you free Taxis driver:sure. Hop in where to?
1_easily upset about everything 2_undrestanding others feeling and problems
The medium weather ( a little warmer then usuall )
به اصلاح سرمای استخوان سوز
A luggage that is in luggage's part of a plane or bus during your travel
1_a kind of van which is used for camping 2_someone who camps
Two or more words that you can choose between
A person with lots of money