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قسمت آخر جمله رو متوجه نمیشم لطفاً اگه میدونید بگید You know how I get in the morning when I haven’t had my hit.

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“I’ll leave a body bag with the receptionist. It will save me carting one back here tomorrow.”

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لطفا اگه کسی معنی این جمله رو می‌دونه بگه I’m at a complete loss as to what Judge Ryder is referring to.

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معنی جمله زیر: With lockup overrun with rowdy school leavers, one less occupant is best for all involved.

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“How is he not serving thirty to life?”   “. Because he had a man like me on his books . But with his lawyer up and vanishing, we have a perfect opportunity  to secure him on our books. کسی می‌دونه معنی اصطلاح جمله دوم چیه؟ همونجایی که بخواد شده منظورم هست.

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معنی این جمله چی میشه؟ loathing that I turned up to the celebration minus a gift.

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٢,٣١٩ بازدید

Shit-eating grin   یعنی چی؟ لطفا اگه کسی می‌دونه جواب بده

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