پیشنهادهای Milkyway200 (١٨٩)
چطور آدمیه؟
شارژ گوشی کمه
چی مده؟
دارن میان
دستیابی بهت سخته ( درکتاب تاچ استون دریک مکالمه ی تلفنی درحالیکه شخص پس ازچندبارتماس سرانجام طرف مقابل جواب وی رامیدهد )
شجرة النحل is a small tree, introduced into the UK in 1560 and often planted in parks and gardens. It flowers in May and June when it produces large ...
تا خرخره پر بودن
�stand in a steady, anticipatory position over someone or something. انتظارکشیدن To hover or hang over someone or something دوروبر کسی یاچیزی پلکی ...
Packed to the Gill مترادفcompletely full The restaurant was Packed to the Gill. تا خرخره پر بودن
Many Roadside stops included the compliment of a gas station and a fast food restaurant. توقفگاه
ترسو خجالتی
To say unpleasant things about someone that are untrue چیزای بدی درمورد کسی بگیم که واقعیت نداره ( بدگویی )
to throw with a sudden movement thrust or move with sudden speed تند حرکت کردن یهو یه چیزی رو پرت کردن
( فک کنم منظورش درجه یک_عالیرتبه_والامقام باشه ) Frank who was a highly regarded microbiologist
نقاط اشتراک
یواشکی یکیو بیاری خونه Take someone inside secretly Bring someone inside the house
A drink with a lot of alcohol such as whiskey
The apartment can be legally rented to someone else ( Impact values ) The lease is coming up for renewal next month=the contract is up next month
Give a child away to be raised by another family ( Impact values )
باهات موافق نیستم
Stop liking something ( Impact values )
Get that bad Become such a big problem I don't think it will come to that=i don't think that will actually happen ( Impact values ) فکرنمیکردم کارب ...
Very happy Delighted ( Impact values )
I might as well have a second piece=it will be okay if i have a second piece ( Impact values ) ایرادی نداره اگه. . .
Feel attracted to someone Have romantic feeling for someone ( Impact values ) U don't like him that way=you're not attracted to him عاشق کسی شدن
قرار ملاقات عاشقانه باکسی گذاشتن Ask someone on a date
Giving someone the latest news about ( Impact values ) I was updating him on a project=i was letting him know how the project was going درجریان قر ...
Talk to someone higher up in the company ( Impact values ) بایه مقام بالارتبه ی شرکت صحبت کردن
Do something wrong or unfair without getting caught ( Impact values )
Make it impossible for someone to succeed ( Impact values ) My boss is setting me up to fail ( My boss is mqking it impossible for me to do well ) ...
Contact everyone ( Impact values ) Speak with someone personally I have to reach frank by monday ( Call )
Have a secret relationship with someone else ( Impact values ) رابطه ی مخفیانه باکسی
Let someone end the relationship ( Impact values ) Let someone leave
Worrying too much Thinking the situation is more serious than it really is ( Impact values ) زیادی جدی گرفتن چیزی
Be the kind of person someone is usually attracted to ( Impact values ) He is my type اون کسیه که من خوشم میاد ازش ( معیارایی که من میخوام رو داره )
Someone who takes care of a dog while it's owners are away. ( Impact values ) مراقب سگ Sheila was having trouble finding a dog_sitter for rex.
It took the entire day ( Impact values ) It lasted the entire day روزم کلا به فنارفت
مصونیت قضایی
این راز رو باخودت به گور ببر
Top fortune 500 company جزء ۵۰۰شرکت برتر
ناظر امنیت و کیفیت
to keep talking about� someone� or� something, especially when other people think it is boring درمورد چیزی یاکسی هی صحبت کردن مخصوصا موقعیکه بقیه خس ...
سرکشی شیره مالیدن
The milk has gone sour. شیر ترش شده ( فاسد شده )
To be good enough to do something تو کاری خوب بودن مهارت درانجام عملی
مشتاق یادگیری
Running the kids around the school بچه رو به مدرسه بردن
برادرانی که نسبت خونی بایکدیگر ندارند.