پیشنهادهای محمد خ1 (٣٣٧)
با خود فکر کردن
وزن اضافه کردن
to not be interested in or worried about something or someone
عالی انجام دادن بهترین کار
Someone who makes sense is reasonable or shows good judgment
to say what you think about something very directly
از توانایی خود برای کمک به کسی استفاده کنید
سوز داشتن هوا
خودمانی متاهل
بی حس شدن
used when you want to think for a moment about something
said to strongly agree with what someone else has just said
used to say that you would like something that is offered to you
If it transpires that something has happened, this previously secret or unknown fact becomes known
used to tell someone that you do not know the answer to their question
used to tell somebody to look at something to check that what somebody has said about it is true
used to say that you will try to help someone
bored to tears/bored stiff
to help someone to think about a situation in a reasonable way
about to be said if you can remember it
to have a friendly talk with someone
after somebody job دنبال شغل کسی بودن
تحمل استرس
bump somebody up اخراج کردن
sock somebody in the kisser پدر کسی در اوردن
کفش بند دار
think straight to think clearly
full of life and energy
گم شو
steal away ( from someone or something ) to sneak away from someone or something
to sneak away from someone or something
لیوان ی بار مصرف
to tell a secret
to be in a fog هنگ کردن
the house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with your family
حله حوله مثل پفک چیپس
موقع خداحافظی استفاده میشه
music to sb ears خبر خوبی شنیدن
doing something that you are not skilled enough to do, esp. compared to other people doing the same thing
to have more money than you had in the past or more money than most other people
to have the skills and knowledge to do something effectively
مدیریت کردن
to call someone who called you earlier, or to call someone for a second time
تو رفتگی گونه
to make someone go to a court of law because you think they have committed a crime
to take someone to court for a trial
know your stuff to have good practical skills and knowledge in a particular activity or subject