tean and teateanateansoxaniateapotteapoyteartear a new onetear a strip off somebodytear a strip off someonetear aparttear aroundtear attear awaytear downtear ducttear fromtear gastear intotear into somethingtear linetear loosetear me to piecestear one downtear one's hair outtear open striptear outtear out by the rootstear sb limb from limbtear smudgedtear someone aparttear someone awaytear someone hair outtear someone off a striptear someone's heart outtear somethingtear something aparttear something limb from limbtear something uptear stainedtear sth to bitstear throughtear through a booktear to piecestear to shredstear troughtear uptear your hair outteardropteared downtearful