heat bondedheat burstheat capacityheat checkheat conductionheat conductivityheat convectionheat crampsheat cure repairheat deathheat deflection temperatureheat detectorheat dissipationheat driven movementheat emergenciesheat energyheat engineheat exchangeheat exchangerheat exhaustionheat flowheat fluxheat generationheat gunheat hazeheat indexheat inequalityheat islandheat it up until boilingheat killheat lampheat lightningheat lossheat mapheat numberheat of battleheat of dissociationheat of formationheat of mixingheat of neutralizationheat of solutionheat of the momentheat offheat proofheat radiationheat rashheat rateheat rayheat related illnessesheat resistant