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These types of communities took advantage of the digital revolution of the Internet using RC chats and forums

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 Waking up to the Web. This stage was also mostly dominated
by the “fandom phenomenon,” with fansubbing, scanlations, and videogame
romhacking being the main practices.

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معنی درست این جمله چی می شه؟ این یه جمله از  سریال خاطرات خون آشامه major lake male real estate 

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french tv came down to watch me watching the results

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the organizing function follows cross-functional reporting and the strategy of five direct reports

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یه ترجمه درست از این جمله می خوام و دنبال بهترین معادل برای کلمات بولد شده هستم The PVV, whose success with voters was praised by far-right leaders across Europe  "on Thursday, has said it is not going to waste billions on “pointless climate hobbies

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معنی branch  در جمله زیر: Yolande Schuur from the Dutch branch of activist group Extinction Rebellion

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لطفا  یه ترجمه غیرگوگلی و درست از این متن بگید Their names are protected by a court-ordered publication ban

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