national incomenationalized companiesnatural resourcesnatural sciencesnature of inventoriesnear cashnegative approachnegative assurancenegative confirmationnegative correlationnegative goodwillnegative opinionnegotiable documentsnegotiable instrumentnegotiable securitiesnegotiated transfer pricingnegotiated underwritingnegotiating banknegotiationnerwork analysis modelsnet assetsnet incomenet income or lossnet income to investorsnet income to residual equity holdersnet income to stockholdersnet investmentnet lossnet monetary assetsnet monetary itemsnet monetary liabilitiesnet of discount approachnet of tax method of interperiod tax allocationnet present valuenet present value methodnet profitnet realisable valuenet realizable valuenet return on assetsnet salesnet source of fundsnet tangible assetsnet weightnet worthnetworknetwork analysisneutralneutralitynew entity approachnew zealand society of accoutants