to cross the bridgeto cross the lineto cross your mindto crown it allto cry for helpto cry oneself to sleepto cry out loudto cry suddenlyto cureto curl toesto cut a long story shortto cut cornerto cut down treesto cut in favor ofto cut somebody off with a shillingto cut something outto cut the long story shortto cut the mustardto cut the umbilical cordto cut to the heartto dance to a person's tuneto dateto dawn on meto de stressto dead endto deathto decreaseto deem fit and properto defeatto deflateto degree to whichto delayto deligateto delightto delight into deliverto deliver on promisesto demonstrateto depend onto depictto deriveto deteriorateto determineto develop a habitto develop an understandingto develop hunchesto dieto die a hero's deathto die forto die in my heart