to closeto close the dealto coin a phraseto collect dustto colludeto com to nothingto cometo come byto come fromto come into come in handlyto come in handyto come into the pictureto come out of one's shellto come passto come straight to the pointto come through loud and clearto come to knowto come to the tableto come up with a winnerto commit evilto communicateto compare apples and orangesto compares apples and orangesto compound the matterto compound the problemto concentrateto concludeto conductto connectto consider it done forto constituteto constructto contend withto controlto control oneselfto converyto cool one’s heelsto correctto correspond withto cost an arm and a legto count one's blessingsto cover oneselfto crack a joketo crack under pressureto crashto create a sceneto crop upto cross pathto cross the arms