to duck responsibilityto duck the issueto dueto dump somebodyto dwell onto each his ownto each otherto each their ownto easeto eatto eat crowto eat humble pieto eat humble pueto eat on the runto eat outto eat someone out of house and hometo edge one's way through the crowdto elimiateto eliminateto embark withto encash unconsumed leaveto end up in gutterto end up in the redto engage foreign exchange operationto enjoy someone's companyto enjoy the funto entend toto equipto erectto err is humanto error is humanto establish controlto establish his authorityto estimateto everyone's surpriseto excessto exe jobto exerciseto exercise powerto expect a babyto expend lifeto experimentto explain whyto expressto extend patronageto extend the handto extremesto face itto face the musicto facilitate the discussion