پیشنهادهای zohre (٥٨)
همایش گردان
عمیق بودن
فراتر از کلمات
یهویی هوس کردن
Make lemonade out of lemons” means “to try to make the best out of a bad situation”. گرفتن بهترین نتیجه از بدترین شرایط
to force something to be successful or to find a solution to a problem به موفقیت رسیدن ٬ راه حل پیدا کردن
فوق العاده بودن
a cheerful or optimistic view of things, usually without valid basis: He saw life through rose - colored glasses. با دید خوش نگاه کردن. خوش بین بودن
a state of mind that occurs when a person is totally immersed in an activity. حالتی از ذهن ٬ زمانی که غرق در فعالیتی هستیم.
از خود حمایت کردن
روی پای خود ایستادن
idiom informal. to deceive or cheat someone: I think we've been taken for a ride. The usual meaning of “to take [someone] for a ride” is to deceive ...
بهبود یافتن
IDIOM DEFINITION: Nowadays, the term is often used to mean “initiate contact with someone ( usually by email or phone ) . ” The implication is that t ...
مراحل اقدام
to make an effort to do something for other people تلاش برای انجام کاری برای دیگران
human dynamics is defined as the actions and interactions of personal, interpersonal, and social/contextual factors and their effects on behavioral o ...
A guilt trip means causing another person to feel guilt or a sense of responsibility to change their behavior or take a specific action. دیگران را د ...
انتقال چیزی به کس دیگری غیر از کسی که از او دریافت کرده ایم
help after being helped. help another person in turn. if you do me a favor i'll return it. pass it along. زنجیره لطف و مهربانی برقرار کردن
در خطر از دست دادن شغل یا توی دردسر افتادن
to make something happen or make someone do something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual, especially by threatening or not offering the possibility of ...
از خود بیخود شدن
( idiomatic ) To behave, especially with respect to how one's speech, body language, facial expressions, and grooming convey one's opinion concerning ...
( idiomatic ) Beyond what is obvious. فراتر از ظاهر
مغز بله گو
با ایمان به
پر تقاضا
gut check ( plural gut checks ) ( idiomatic ) An honest, reflective appraisal of one's true feelings concerning a matter of concern. ارزیابی صادقانه ...
سرعتشو کم کن
کُندش کن
پیشرفت کردن
پددیدار شدن ٬ آشکار شدن
همه چیز خوبه ٬ جای نگرانی نیست
a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining بردبار
برطرف نشده
از عمق وجود فریاد زدن
to happen, usually unexpectedly
accepting the end of the relationship,
to go on to a different place, subject, activity, etc.
جابجایی ٬ اسباب کشی
ذهنیت باز
دارای ذهن باز ٬ روشنفکر٬ انتقاد پذیر
اولین اجرا در حضور تماشاچیان
جوش آوردن
When you do something to achieve something or deal with a problem,
Take charge, assume control
“don’t rock the boat: say or do something to disturb an existing situation and upset people. "I don't want to rock the boat
in a prominent or important position : در یک موقعیت مهم و برجسته
an optimum point or combination of factors or qualities : نقطه بهینه٬ ترکیبی از عوامل یا کیفیت ها