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ترجمه روان you can adapt the number of items that a student is expected to learn چیست؟

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ترجمه روان جمله  Apologize when you blow it and know it, and even when you don’t know it

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ترجمه Social connections among students convert the barriers that often divide us into bridges that link students with each other—and with the adults in their lives

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ترجمه  بخش دوم Many educators wonder how they are going to find the time to build and sustain relationships with students when there are so many demands for achievement

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ترجمه   It takes greater persistence, guided by optimism, to break through these barriers of perceived safety to develop bonds of trust. 

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He was a student who finds a way to turn off virtually every adult he meets

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ترجمه company time چیست

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ترجمه روان جمله : Overcome Lack of Appeal

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In all such instances, concerned students told trusted and “connected” school adults about their distressed peers, and proper steps were taken before serious problems occurred.

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جمله   Chronically being picked on  به چه معناست؟(ترجمه روان)

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