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ترجمه جمله ، درباره بازار های مالیه . جمله اش یه خورده پیچیده ست at a minimum , the second piece I would say is really spin  make it a goal , everybody's got different amounts of time that they can dedicate towards studying but at a minimum you should be watching One video a day two videos a day three videos a day

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برای بازار های مالیه این جمله if you have extremely high probability in your favor you don't need a one-to-one payout for your strategy  to be positive

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سلام معنیش چی میشه؟ as far as the amount of knowledge goes this is your theoretical knowledge

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just wealth of knowledge and amazing conversation i was inspired by it معنیش رو لطفا بگید ممنون

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اصطلاح مربوط به بازارهای مالی ست و نوع دیگه نوشتنش اینطوریه = they buy back their shorts

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