پیشنهادهای سارا تکلو (٣٢١)
حمله به شخصی به گونه ای که شامل لمس یا تهدید جنسی او باشد، اما او را مجبور به آمیزش جنسی نکنید .
A style of women's dress with the waistline positioned just below the breasts and a low - cut neck. مدلی از لباس زنانه
ناگهان بسیار عصبانی شدن
A business person, especially a man who works in the financial area of London.
To force somebody to do something by not allowing them to get any food or money. The blockade was aimed at starving the country into submission. مج ...
کمبود To not give or have something that is needed. The baby's brain had been starved of oxygen. The department has been starved of resources.
مجبور کردن کسی به کاری با ایجاد حس گناه to make someone do something by persuading them that it is wrong not to do it I only went because she guilte ...
متهم کردن مقصر دانستن to make someone feel guilty, so they will do what you want guilt somebody into doing something Her parents guilted her into no ...
To accept a chance or an opportunity quickly and with enthusiasm. I leapt at the chance to go to France
To start to do an activity that you have not done before, especially in your work or business. I decided to branch out on my own. The company branc ...
The way in which a doctor or other person talks to somebody who is ill. نحوه رفتار با بیمار توسط دکتر یا هر شخصی
در نظر گرفتن همه چیز organized: I was disappointed not to get the job, but it's not that important in the great/grand scheme of things ( = when all t ...
لباس مخصوص آقایان که فقط اندام تناسلی را می پوشاند بیشتر در رقص و حرکات نمایشی استفاده میشه
خیلی بد افتضاح To be particularly bad, unfortunate, or awful, especially of a situation or outcome.
ریسک کردن رو چیزی که برنده شدی که دو برابر شه یا کلا از دست بدی
If an elderly person forgets something or makes a mistake and you refer to this as a senior moment, you mean that the person forgot the thing or made ...
فرجام بد آسیب دیدن در تصادف to fail, or to be harmed or destroyed in an accident
محکم زدن به چیزی که بشکنه و بیفته to hit ( something ) hard so that it breaks and falls down Police smashed down the door
To tell somebody angrily that you do not approve of their actions
مسیر هجومی یا میدان آموزش عملیات هجومی ( به انگلیسی: assault course یا trim trail ) مسیری است که اغلب در آموزش نظامی استفاده می شود. کاربرد اصلی آن ا ...
to continue for an unpleasantly long time