پیشنهادهای دنا ترنسلیت (٤٧٦)
گردشگری مسئولیت پذیر هر نوع گردشگری است که می تواند با مسئولیت پذیری بیشتری به کار رود. گردشگری مسئولیت پذیر گردشگری است که تأثیرات منفی اجتماعی، اقت ...
ranking low in a social or professional hierarchy.
( ecology ) A place ( such as a watering hole ) where water is available to local wildlife
بنیادی، اصلی basic, fundamental the most basic level of an activity or organization. the ordinary people in a society, movement, or organization
small to medium - sized enterprise, a company with no more than 500 employees.
اقامتگاه بوم گردی a tourist resort whose facilities are intended to have a minimal impact on the local environment.
پدل برد، تخته موج سواری a long narrow buoyant board used for riding the surf or in rescuing swimmers paddle boarding: a sport in which you travel acr ...
a business that serves a sophisticated or specialized clientele.
Cruise tourism is a form of traveling for leisure purposes, involving an all - inclusive holiday on a cruise ship of at least 48 hours, according to ...
a person who has lifelong membership in a society. کسی که عضویت مادام العمر یک انجمن را دارد.
سبد غذایی Food basket
all the immediate experiences, activities, and contacts that make up the world of an individual or corporate life.
جامعه شناسی خرد ( به انگلیسی: Microsociology ) از جمله شاخه های اصلی جامعه شناسی می باشد که به بررسی ماهیت تعاملات اجتماعی بشر در مقیاس خرد می پردازد.
جنوب جهانی، اصطلاحی است به کار رفته در مطالعات فراملیتی و پسااستعماری، برای اشاره به آنچه که ممکن است �جهان سوم� نامیده شده است ( یعنی آفریقا و آمریک ...
A conference paper is often both a written document and an oral presentation.
to leave on a trip: to make a journey, to depart somewhere. ترک کردن جایی برای رفتن به سفر
journey, voyage, travels سفرهای طولانی و پرماجرا
The creation of a world, as for example in writing fiction خلق جهانِ ( داستان )
هم آفرینی؛ یک ابتکار مدیریتی یا نوعی استراتژی اقتصادی برای گرد هم آوردن ذینفعان مختلف ( مثلاً یک شرکت و گروهی از مشتریان ) برای تولید مشترک یک نتیجه ...
to show the way to ( an individual or a group ) by going with or ahead.
پیش بردن
کمک ویراستار ( سردبیر )
at the point when ( something ) is about to happen or is very likely to happen
being something that helps produce or influence a result
to bring about the catalysis of ( a chemical reaction ) سبب کاتالیز و تسریع یک واکنش شیمیایی شدن
دعوت به عمل؛ یک واژه در بازاریابی است که استفاده بی شماری در صنعت تبلیغات و فروش دارد. به هر وسیله ای که باعث جواب و فروش فوری شود گفته می شود. دعوت ...
take center stage ( =attract interest, attention, or activity ) :
تجارت الکترونیکی
اقتصاد شبکه The economic use of data networks. It is based on four technological innovations ( telecommunication, information technology, media techn ...
Banner blindness is a phenomenon in web usability where visitors to a website consciously or unconsciously ignore banner - like information, which ca ...
a travel period between peak and off - peak seasons.
an event, typically lasting several days, in which a large number of people meet to engage in collaborative computer programming. رویدادی که به طور ...
کارآفرین سریالی: کارآفرینی که قبلا یک یا چندین کسب و کار ریسک دار را تاسیس و اداره کرده است. کارآفرینی که به طور مداوم ایده های جدیدی ارائه می دهد و ...
A serial entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who continuously comes up with new ideas and starts new businesses. As opposed to a typical entrepreneur, wh ...
کارآفرینی سازمانی؛ فرآیندی در کارآفرینی است که سازمان طی می کند، تا همۀ کارکنان بتوانند در نقش کارآفرین انجام وظیفه کنند و تمام فعالیت های فردی یا گر ...
a manager within a company who promotes innovative product development and marketing. کارآفرین سازمانی
آکندن، پر کردن با
obtain ( information or input into a particular task or project ) by enlisting the services of a number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically v ...
involving or having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities
A community bank is a depository institution that is typically locally owned and operated. Community banks tend to focus on the needs of the business ...
A solidarity economy is an economic formation which seeks to improve the quality of life of a region or community on the basis of solidarity, often t ...
A peak organisation or peak body is an Australian term for an advocacy group or trade association, an association of industries or groups with allied ...
1 : to remove the inside of ( something ) : to make an empty space in ( something ) The kids were hollowing out pumpkins. a hollowed - out log. 2 : ...
Islamic Development Bank
Inter - American Development Bank
Describing an asset that is not being used and therefore is not generating revenue. An idle asset usually has a maintenance cost associated with it. ...
The Baby Boom generation is most often defined as those individuals born between 1946 and 1964
An unduly idealistic, optimistic, sentimental, or wistful perspective on or about something. یک دیدگاه بیش از حد آرمانگرایانه، خوش بینانه، احساساتی ...
Decoloniality ضد استعماری
Online Travel Agency : آژانس مسافرتی آنلاین