impact or attenuating deviceimpacted toothimparipenneimpellerimpeller crusherimpeller vaneimpelling forceimperfect cleavageimpermeabilityimpermeableimpermeable groundimpermeable layerimpermeable materialsimpervious blanketimpervious boundaryimpervious coreimpervious core earthfill damimpervious layerimpervious materialsimpetusimplementing drainage facilitiesimposed deformationimposed loadimpoundimpoundingimpounding damimpressed areaimpression rain dropimpressiveimproved soil or improved soils or improved soilsimpulsive wavein any event or iae or iae or in any eventin linein or and or out channelin or channelin or doorin or fill or drilling or drilling or drillingin or indium or indiumin or line offsetin or placein or place mixingin or rush of waterin or site¡ in or situin or situ concretein or situ tests or in or situ test or in or situ testin or streamin relation toin situin stressinactive acidity