with no fixed abodewith no ifs and butswith nothing to saywith one accordwith one dashwith one foot in the gravewith one handwith one voicewith open armswith open eyeswith option to extendwith passionwith pinpoint accuracywith pleasurewith reasonwith recoursewith red handswith reference towith regard towith relation towith reservationwith respect towith restraintwith resumed enthusiasmwith reverencewith seasonal greetingwith spiritwith subtitleswith successwith sympathywith talentwith the approval ofwith the currentwith the exception ofwith the grainwith the naked eyewith the provision thatwith the purpose ofwith the tail between the legswith this ring i thee wedwith translationwith unerring precisionwith utmost carewith vigorwith youngwith your permissionwithalwithdrawwithdraw a motionwithdraw from