with bated breathwith best regardswith both feet on the groundwith candorwith childwith clockwork precisionwith compliments of the chefwith decencywith deep sorrowwith difficultywith dimmed eyeswith disgustwith due respectwith eager anticipationwith easewith emphasiswith evil intentwith flying colorswith full guaranteewith gloomwith god's helpwith great difficultywith great effortwith greetingswith guitar accompanimentwith half a heartwith head held highwith hebrew dubbingwith his back to the wallwith his eyes openwith his feet on the groundwith his head against the wallwith his mouth fullwith his tail between his legswith hostilitywith illustrationswith imaginationwith intent towith kid gloveswith kind regardswith lightning speedwith lovewith malice aforethoughtwith malicious intentwith might and mainwith mixed emotionswith much adowith my proper eyeswith no doubtwith no exception