to the touchto the tune ofto the very endto the victor belong the spoilsto the victor go the spoilsto their costto thin itto thinkto think bigto think highly ofto think ofto think otherwiseto think overto think smallto think thatto think too much oneselfto thisto this dayto this effectto this endto this respectto this very dayto thrashto thrive onto throwto throw a book at someoneto throw down the gauntletto throw in the towelto throw in your lot with someoneto throw lightto throw light on sthto throw one's guts upto throw partyto throw the baby out with the bath waterto throw the kitchen sinkto tick someone offto tide overto tie backto tighten or loosento tilt at windmillsto tire outto tolerateto toot my own hornto top it allto top it all offto top it offto top offto top that offto touch base with someoneto triumph